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Re^2: Socket Handle not sending data ?

by evilkamikaze (Initiate)
on Jul 09, 2009 at 12:14 UTC ( [id://778554]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Socket Handle not sending data ?
in thread Socket Handle not sending data ?

Hi, Thanks for the reply. Yes I do understand that Handle won't be valid after script exit.

I doing this because, I am sending large amount of data on multiple sockets. So, I want to check everytime before sending the data that whether the socket is still active or not. If it is not active then I create a new thread which calls function putinBadFile with argument as port number. This function takes this port number, search in a file and removes it from there. (This is the same file in which I have stored entries during connection i.e. activeConnection file) This thread will now add this port number to a badFile and try to restablish connection with it. If it is successful, then it will remove this port number from badFile and once again add new sockethandle along with port number in activeConnections file.

Now, my main thread, which is sending data, after particular time, checks if the file with active connections is updated. If yes, then reload the array of active socket handles else continue sending data to current active ports.

Please let me know, if this clears up my question a little bit. Thanks

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Re^3: Socket Handle not sending data ?
by targetsmart (Curate) on Jul 09, 2009 at 13:09 UTC
    Lauching a thread everytime to check the availability of the socket connection is not a good idea.
    just check defined on socket handle or check eof on socket handle or establish a heart beat mechanism to know the liveliness of the socket/program.
    If you show the piece of code which requires efficiency, we would able to tell you what could be the best way of dealing it.

    -- 'I' am not the body, 'I' am the 'soul', which has no beginning or no end, no attachment or no aversion, nothing to attain or lose.

      Thanks for the reply. Anyways here is my client side code.

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket::INET; use Thread; my @handles; my @activePorts; my @events; sub PortConn { my ($port)=@_; print " Trying to connect to port $port .... \n"; my $rethandle ; my $retryCount=0; LOOP: until ($rethandle = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => 'x. +x.x.x', PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', )){ sleep 1; # changed ip to x.x.x.x last LOOP if (++$retryCount > 10); # If not able to connect in + 10 seconds then break out of loop } if ($retryCount > 10) { # Cannot connect to port since retryCount + is greater than 0. Therefore putting in bad file print "Could not connect to port $port \n"; open FILE, ">> ./badFile" or die "Error: $!"; print FILE "$port \n"; close(FILE); return; } else { # Connected to specified port therefore putting file handl +e and port in good file $rethandle->autoflush(1); print("Connected to port $port \n"); open FILE, ">> ./goodFile" or die "Error: $!"; # open file for + append, die otherwise print FILE "$rethandle $port \n"; close(FILE); return; } } ###################################################################### +#### # Function to store all the active ports and handles from goodFile fil +e # # into appropriate arrays for active ports and handles + # ###################################################################### +#### sub ActivePortsAndHandles { if (-s "goodFile") { # Check if file exist and is non-zero size splice(@handles); # Removing all elements from array. This + way we will only store active handles in them. splice(@activePorts); # Removing all elements from array. This way + we will only store active ports in them. open FILE, "<goodFile"; while (<FILE>) { # looping through all the lines in the file, one + at a time my @array=split(/ /,$_); # since entry in the file will be in +the format # filehandle port. Therefore splitting it to sto +re all the # file handles and ports in separate arrays push(@handles, $array[0]); push(@activePorts , $array[1]); } close(FILE); } } ############################################### # Function to try and recover bad connections # # If the connection is recovered it will be # # removed from the bad file and will be put # # under good file # ############################################### sub tryRecoveringBadConnections { my ($badPort) = @_; my $removeFromGoodFile="sed \'\/$badPort\/d\' goodFile > tmp &amp; +&amp; mv tmp goodFile"; print $removeFromGoodFile; open FILE, ">>badFile"; print FILE "$badPort \n"; close(FILE); } ############# # Main Code # ############# my @ports = (33333, 33334, 33335); foreach my $port (@ports) { PortConn($port); } ActivePortsAndHandles(); for (my $index=1; $index<101; $index++) { # function to set events whi +ch we will be sending across the socket push(@events, "event$index"); } my $eventCount=0; my $receiveText; my $index=0; my $thread; while($eventCount != scalar(@events)) { while (scalar(@handles)) { $index=0; foreach my $handle (@handles) { my $select = IO::Select->new(); $select->add($handle); if ($select->can_read(0.5)) { print "Can read \n"; $handle->recv($receiveText, 128); if ($receiveText eq '') { print "Lost connection to server on port $activePo +rts[$index] \n"; $handle->close; splice(@handles, $index, 1); my $badPort = $activePorts[$index]; splice(@activePorts, $index, 1); $thread = new Thread \&amp;tryRecoveringBadCon +nections, "$badPort"; } } else { $handle->send("hi"); # Error over here. Error is: Can' +t locate object method "send" via package "IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x12 +34gf0)" # perhaps you forgot to load "IO: +:Socket::INET=GLOB(0x1234gf0)"?) print "Data sent on port $activePorts[$index] \n"; $eventCount++; $index++; } } } } $thread->join;

      Server side code just prints the message received from client. Thanks.

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