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The day's catch... 50 of the top 2000 nodes of all time!

(Refreshed every 6 hours, approximately. Inspect the xml feed to see how many minutes until the next refresh.)

Selected Best Nodes of All Time!!

# Node Author Rep
1 Don't go all PerlMonks on me bobf 281
2 Yoda Speak Translator grep 240
3 The Doom of the Noldor Erudil 210
4 Often Overlooked OO Programming Guidelines Ovid 197
5 Re: What does it mean for a Perl feature to be Magic? perrin 190
6 Are we obsessed with CGI? rinceWind 176
7 Automatic Music with Perl larsen 158
8 Predict Random Numbers no_slogan 148
9 How do you organize your Perl applications? Wally Hartshorn 144
10 Not Quite CPAN cmilfo 142
11 (dws)Re: Encrypting Credit card numbers dws 141
12 Pure Perl Internals (with Pure Perl Segfaults) Ovid 136
13 What is truth? (Curiosity corner) robin 136
14 C is Perl BooK 132
15 Installing Perl on the Sharp Zaurus PDA davido 131
16 OOPerl isn't that bad after all... yosefm 130
17 Array indices Limbic~Region 127
18 use Fatal; cLive ;-) 127
19 The crime under reusability pg 126
20 •Re: Perl - Is it an OO Language merlyn 126
21 Possible changes to Voting/XP theonetwo 125
22 Perl World zshzn 124
23 Re: Don't go all PerlMonks on me BrowserUk 123
24 Advancing oneself personally and professionally as a programmer (discussion) deprecated 122
25 Re: My coding guidelines mojotoad 119
26 Re: search for a pattern in file without opening the file davorg 113
27 How A Function Becomes Higher Order Limbic~Region 113
28 Perl, Chess, Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics hsmyers 113
29 how could i make "them" understand that security IS important ? iza 113
30 The Perl Crackpot Index brian_d_foy 112
31 Can you spot the problem? dws 112
32 Need a test for deep equality rinceWind 112
33 Prove/Improve your Self/Skills defyance 111
34 Micro Mocking: using local to help test subs adrianh 110
35 Apache::CVS::HTML + Perl::Tidy jeffa 110
36 Wireless Access to Perl Monks Chatterbox diotalevi 109
37 Microsoft is against Perl!? tilly 109
38 AI::Perlog -- Simple implementation Ovid 108
39 Perl White Magic - Special Variables and Command Line Switches cog 107
40 SQL Crosstab, a hell of a DBI idiom gmax 107
41 How common is mod_perl? jerrygarciuh 106
42 Re: Ask a Silly Question... Util 105
43 Solving Meta Sentences YuckFoo 105
44 Overload abuse or is it just me? salvix 104
45 Ruminations of an ex-PM monk jcwren 103
46 Proof of concept: File::Index davido 101
47 Help module authors by testing them on older versions of perl mirod 101
48 cut vs split (suggestions) sk 101
49 Multi tiered web applications in Perl pernod 100
50 Re: Perl best practices fanatism brian_d_foy 99
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