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Module to open and close browser tabs
2 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by justin423
on Jan 10, 2025 at 11:48

    I want to do a quickie workflow tool to quickly scan web pages. (on both an Ubuntu and a windows machine) I use Open::Browser on the Linux machine, and a system (start, $url) on the Windows machine. Is there an extension that will open a new tab, then has a command to close the tab it just opened? (And just the tab, not any others after keeping it open for a pre-determined number of seconds using the sleep function)

    It does not seem that any function or perl module will close a tab after opening it

[OT] German language resources for neologisms
3 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by Discipulus
on Jan 10, 2025 at 02:48
    Hello there!

    A special friend of mine is tasked to spot 700 neologisms intruduced in German during last ten years. Being Perl so good at data and language processing, being this community populated also by some linguist and a bounch of german ones I hope I can get some useful tip from your part.

    In detail, to be helpful in their research using Perl I'd like to be aware of:

    • free online resources for German language, like dictionaries, modern and updated
    • freely accesible corpora to scan, this should be indexed by time of the source
    • similar studies made in this field recently
    • german linguistic online resource in general
    I supposed that ideally if I can access a decent corpus of last ten years and decent vocabulary issued 10 years ago I can be able to spit out some difference. Ok no so trivial but feasible.

    As last option if 10 german monks want to put here 70 different neologism each one.. I'm done :)


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Sorting path names with Sort::Key
2 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by Anonymous Monk
on Jan 09, 2025 at 21:46
    I need to sort a bunch of path names and wanted to use Sort::Key because I'm already using it several other places in my code. A proper path sorting algorithm requires splitting the path into its components for comparison, and the number of components can be arbitrary. All of the documentation for Sort::Key and it's family of other modules assume the number of comparison keys is known. Is it possible to use Sort::Key for this use case and if so, how? Thanks.

    Below is the script I am using for testing other sort routines:

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