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Re: Passing parameters to object method references

by citromatik (Curate)
on Jun 21, 2007 at 11:27 UTC ( [id://622537]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Passing parameters to object method references

Two comments:

Data::Dumper may not be the best way to Dump closures, I find Data::Dump::Streamer a lot more useful:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump::Streamer; ##!! use Foo; my $help = 'Please display this message'; my $foo = Foo->new; my $subref = $foo->subref; foreach my $pos (@{$subref->{order}}){ my $sub = $subref->{dispatch}->{$pos}; Dump ($sub); ###!! }


my ($self); $self = bless( {}, 'Foo' ); $CODE1 = sub { package Foo; use warnings; use strict 'refs'; $self->suba; }; my ($self); $self = bless( {}, 'Foo' ); $CODE1 = sub { package Foo; use warnings; use strict 'refs'; $self->subb; };

This seems clearer to me than the output you got from Data::Dumper. And maybe you would catch the error that rhesa points out.

And since you already broke the encapsulation of your object, why don't you return the plain function instead of a method?:

package Foo; use strict; use warnings; sub new { bless {}, shift; } sub suba { # my $self = shift; my $param = shift || ''; print "Message is: $param\n"; } sub subb { return; } sub subref { my $self = shift; return { order => ['A', 'B'], dispatch => { A => \&suba, ##! B => \&subb, ##! } }; } 1;

Outputs (as expected)

POS: A $CODE1 = sub { package Foo; use warnings; use strict 'refs'; my $param = shift @_ || ''; print "Message is: $param\n"; }; Message is: Please display this message POS: B $CODE1 = sub { package Foo; use warnings; use strict 'refs'; return; };


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Re^2: Passing parameters to object method references
by graq (Curate) on Jun 21, 2007 at 12:08 UTC

    Using Data::Dumper is just habit. Maybe I should re-evaluate some of my habits.

    And since you already broke the encapsulation of your object, why don't you return the plain function instead of a method?

    I need the methods to have all the inherited properties of the object they live in (multiple inheritance, including Class::Accessor in the base class). Can I get that from a plain function?

    -=( Graq )=-

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