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Re: tk label text disappears ?!

by jdtoronto (Prior)
on Jul 31, 2006 at 13:59 UTC ( [id://564742]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to tk label text disappears ?!

It's all about packing order. You were placing the labels over the top of each other. Try this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::DialogBox; my $main_window = MainWindow -> new(); $main_window -> bind ( "<Control-Key-c>" , \&add_client ) ; # Ctrl c MainLoop; sub add_client { my $add_client_win = $main_window -> DialogBox ( -title => 'Ajouter un client' , -buttons => [ 'Valider' , 'Annuler' ] ); # BUG HERE BUG HERE BUG HERE BUG HERE BUG HERE BUG HERE BUG HERE my $firstname_line = $add_client_win -> add ( 'Label' , -height => '5', -text => 'Some text', -font => 'Helvetica 10 bold' , ) -> grid( #-side => 'top' , #-fill => 'x' ); # END BUG END BUG END BUG END BUG END BUG END BUG END BUG END BUG # -- CANTON -- my $canton_line = $add_client_win -> add ( 'Label' , -height => '5' ) -> grid( #-side => 'top' , #-fill => 'x' ); my $label_canton = $canton_line -> Label ( -font => 'Helvetica 10 bold' , -text => 'Localisation :', -padx => '10' , -pady => '5' ) -> pack ( -side => 'left' ); my ($canton_data, $canton_display ); my $canton_choice = $canton_line -> Optionmenu( -options => [ [ 'Genève' => '000' ] , [ 'Vaud' => '100' ] , [ ' - Chablais vaudois' => '110' ] , [ ' - Lausanne' => '120' ] , [ ' - Montreux-Vevey' => '130' ] , [ ' - Morges' => '140' ] , [ ' - Nyon' => '150' ] , [ ' - Yverdon' => '160' ] , [ ' - Arc lémanique' => '170' ] , [ 'Valais' => '200' ] , [ ' - Chablais valaisan' => '210' ] , [ ' - Bas Valais' => '220' ] , [ ' - Haut Valais' => '230' ] , [ 'Fribourg' => '400' ] , [ 'France voisine' => '500' ] , [ 'Paris' => '600' ] , [ 'Cote d Azur' => '700' ] , [ 'Italie' => '800' ] , ] , -command => sub { } , -variable => \$canton_data , -textvariable => \$canton_display ) -> pack( -side => 'right' , ); my $reponse = $add_client_win -> Show ( ) ; }
By using the  grid geometry manager they are placed vertically in order in a grid.


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Re^2: tk label text disappears ?!
by lepetitalbert (Abbot) on Jul 31, 2006 at 14:21 UTC

    Hi jdtoronto,


    I somehow totally missed this grid method.

    Have a nice day.

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