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Re: Tell whether two strings differ at only one position

by Albannach (Monsignor)
on Aug 04, 2005 at 18:13 UTC ( [id://480971]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Tell whether two strings differ at only one position

I make a lot of use of Text::Levenshtein which has an XS version that might be competitive, so here is a quick test. Fair warning: I'm far from a Benchmark guru (comments welcome), and the test set you provided might have a different distribution of types than you actually encounter, so if a particular method takes longer for a particular result, there will be some bias.
Rate rg0now ikegami levenshtein blazar +BrowserUk rg0now 8801/s -- -57% -82% -87% + -87% ikegami 20414/s 132% -- -57% -69% + -70% levenshtein 47786/s 443% 134% -- -28% + -30% blazar 66258/s 653% 225% 39% -- + -4% BrowserUk 68683/s 680% 236% 44% 4% + --
The code follows.
use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw(:all); use Text::LevenshteinXS qw(distance); sub compare_rg0now { return 0 unless length $_[0] == length $_[1]; return 1 if $_[0] eq $_[1]; my $diff = 0; my @l1 = split //, $_[0]; my @l2 = split //, $_[1]; for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar @l1; $i++){ $diff++ if $l1[$i] ne $l2[$i]; return 0 if $diff > 1; } return 1; } sub compare_blazar { (my $xor=$_[0]^$_[1]) =~ tr/\0//d; length $xor < 2; } sub compare_BrowserUk { return ( length $_[0] == length $_[1] ) && ( length( $_[0] ) - 1 <= ( $_[0] ^ $_[1] ) =~ tr[\0][\0] ) } sub compare_ikegami { return unless length $_[0] == length $_[1]; # Omit if expecting differences almost all the time. return 1 if $_[0] eq $_[1]; my $limit = 1; foreach (split('', $_[0]^$_[1])) { next unless ord; return 0 unless $limit--; } return 1; } sub compare_levenshtein { return ( length $_[0] == length $_[1] ) && ( distance($_[0], $_[1]) < 2); } my @data = ( [ qw( abab abab ) ], [ qw( abab abaa ) ], [ qw( abab qrst ) ], [ qw( abab abba ) ], [ qw( abab ababa ) ], ); cmpthese(-3, { 'rg0now' => sub {for(@data) {compare_rg0now(@$_)} }, 'blazar' => sub {for(@data) {compare_blazar(@$_)} }, 'BrowserUk' => sub {for(@data) {compare_BrowserUk(@$_)} }, 'ikegami' => sub {for(@data) {compare_ikegami(@$_)} }, 'levenshtein' => sub {for(@data) {compare_levenshtein(@$_)} }, });

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