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Bezos Image Collage from Book Covers

by gryphon (Abbot)
on Mar 28, 2005 at 18:40 UTC ( [id://442897]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Greetings fellow monks,

Inspired by this, I decided to build a little script to build a collage image from book covers based on a source graphic. The script uses Amazon Web Services (or E-Commerse Service) to fetch book cover images based on an item search query. Then Image::Magick builds the collage.

To keep things simple, I saved all the images in grayscale. Mostly this was just a proof of concept to show how easy this sort of thing can be. Because I used AWS to get the cover art (and because I work at Amazon and can't resist the urge to suck-up), I used an image of Jeff Bezos I got here as the source image.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP; use XML::XPath; use Image::Magick; my $size = 2; # 20 is "normal" but 2 is much smaller (better) resolu +tion my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $covers = new Image::Magick; my $bezos = new Image::Magick; my ($page, $t_pages, $image, %colors) = (1, 1, 0, undef); while (($t_pages >= $page) and ($page < 26)) { my $req = $ua->get( '' . '&Operation=ItemSearch&SubscriptionId=ADDYOURSUBSCRIPTIONIDHERE' . '&SearchIndex=Books&Keywords=Amazon&ResponseGroup=Images' . '&ItemPage=' . $page ); die $! unless ($req->is_success); my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $req->content); $t_pages = int($xp->findvalue('//Items/TotalPages')) if ($page == 1) +; my $nodeset = $xp->find('//Items/Item/SmallImage/URL'); foreach ($nodeset->get_nodelist) { my $img = $ua->get($_->string_value); die $! unless ($img->is_success); open(IMG, '> covers/cover_' . $image . '.jpg') or die $!; binmode IMG; print IMG $img->content; close IMG; $covers->Read('covers/cover_' . $image . '.jpg'); my $scaled_img = $covers->[$image]->Clone(); $covers->[$image]->Scale(width => 40, height => 60); $covers->[$image]->Quantize(colorspace=>'gray'); $covers->[$image]->Write('covers/cover_' . $image . '.jpg'); $scaled_img->Scale(width => 1, height => 1); $colors{ eval(join('+', split(',', $scaled_img->Get('pixel[1,1]')))) } = $image; $image++; } $page++; } $bezos->Read('bezos.jpg'); my $width = $bezos->Get('columns'); my $height = $bezos->Get('rows'); my $width_i = $size * 2; my $height_i = $size * 3; my $w_stop = int($width / $width_i) * $width_i; my $h_stop = int($height / $height_i) * $height_i; print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">', "\n"; for (my $y = 0; $y < $h_stop; $y += $height_i) { print " <tr>\n"; for (my $x = 0; $x < $w_stop; $x += $width_i) { my $bezos_section = $bezos->Clone(); $bezos_section->Crop( geometry => $width_i . 'x' . $height_i . '+' . $x . '+' . $y ); $bezos_section->Scale(width => 1, height => 1); my $color = eval(join('+', split(',', $bezos_section->Get('pixel[1 +,1]')))); my %compare = map { abs($color - $_) => $_ } keys %colors; print ' <td><img src="covers/cover_', $colors{$compare{(sort {$a<=>$b} keys %compare)[0]}}, '.jpg" width="', $width_i, '" height="', $height_i, '"/></td>', " +\n"; } print " </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n";

code('Perl') || die;

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