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Battling Getopt::Long

by Smaug (Pilgrim)
on May 11, 2004 at 12:21 UTC ( [id://352416]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Smaug has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello oh great Monks

I am trying to get information out of a MS-SQL 2000 DB. I was able to connect to the database until I changed my script to accept inputs for server, user and password.

I am obviously not using it correctly, but I have gotten hopelessly confussed reading the help and looking at SoPW.

I tried using Dumper to see what the hash holding the input had in and all it shows is:
$VAR1 = '1';<BR> $VAR2 = undef;

I'm sure I messed up something. Any help would be great.

use strict; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long qw (GetOptions); my $help = "0"; my $server = "0"; my $user = "0"; my $password = "0"; #Set the options for GetOpt Getopt::Long::Configure( "pass_through", "no_ignore_case", "prefix_pat +tern=(-|\/)" ); #What to expect on the command line my %opts = (); my %opts=(GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$help, 'server' => \$server, 'user' => \$user, 'password' => \$password )); print Dumper(%opts); #DEBUG: See what's there if($opts{help}) { &Help; } my $mytime=(time); my $database="TNGDB"; #Start Logging to log file.. open (LOGF, ">>%0../../$mytime.log") || die "Could not open the Log Fi +le: $!\n"; #Connect to MSSQL Server my $dsn="driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;database=$database;UID=$us +er;PWD=$password;"; my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsn", $user, $password) || die &Logger +("...Unable to connect. Reason: $DBI::errstr"); &Logger ("...Success: connected to database $server\\$database\n"); #Get Data #Insert the select statements here.... $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); ######################################## ## SUBS ## ######################################## # Message Logging sub Logger { my $text = shift; my $rc = 0; if (print LOGF "$text\n") { $rc=1; } return ($rc); } #CLI Help sub Help { print "Invalid option.\n","The valid options are: \n"; print "MakeCVM.exe -h (or ? or help) displays this.\n"; print "MakeCVM.exe -server=<Server> -user=<SQL User> -password=<Pa +ssword>"; }

The error I get running this is:
DBI connect('driver={SQL Server};Server=0;database=TNGDB;UID=0;PWD=0;' +,'0',...) failed: at E:\MakeCVM\ line 41 1 at E:\MakeCVM\ line 41.

Thank you in advance oh Great and wonderous Monks!!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Battling Getopt::Long
by Tomte (Priest) on May 11, 2004 at 12:33 UTC


    my %opts = (); my %opts=(GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$help, 'server' => \$server, 'user' => \$user, 'password' => \$password ));
    GetOptions( 'help:+' => \$help, 'server=s' => \$server, 'user=s' => \$user, 'password=s' => \$password, );
    and use the variables directly, not the hash.

    Edit: fixed the code according to the follow-up postings.

    should get you started


    An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.
    -- Albert Camus

      Thanks Tomte!! That's working great!!
      From your code could you explain the 'help:i'.
      From what I have read to date, the : means it is optional and the i sets it as an integer.
      Does that mean that if it exists, it will set $help to 1 otherwise it will be 0?
      Thanks again!

        ah no, my mistake...
        change the i to a + and test for $help>0


        An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.
        -- Albert Camus

Re: Battling Getopt::Long
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on May 11, 2004 at 12:32 UTC
    GetOptions doesn't return a hash, it returns a status indicating whether parsing of the options went succesfully. The way you call GetOptions, values will be set in the variables you pass references - for instance, if a password is given, the value will appear in $password.

    If you want all the values in a hash, use a reference to a hash as first argument (and remove the other references).


Re: Battling Getopt::Long
by eserte (Deacon) on May 11, 2004 at 12:37 UTC
    Getopt::Long::GetOptions does not return an option hash, it rather returns a boolean value showing if all entered options were valid. The actual option values are stored in the variables $help, $server etc. If you want the option values in a hash, then you have to use the alternate form of GetOptions: GetOptions(\%opts, "help", "server=s", ...) or die "usage..."
Re: Battling Getopt::Long
by AcidHawk (Vicar) on May 11, 2004 at 15:25 UTC
    A Few changed and your code will work..

    Try changing

    my %opts=(GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$help, 'server' => \$server, 'user' => \$user, 'password' => \$password ));
    GetOptions (\%opts, qw( help|h|? server=s user=s password=s ));
    also put everything after
    &Help; }
    into and elsif statement something like
    &Help; } elsif( defined $opts{server} && defined $opts{user} && defined $opts{p +assword} ) { my $mytime=(time); ... } else { &Help; }
    Then for your database connection bit try using the following:
    my $dbh; my $DSN = "driver={SQL Server};Server=$opts{server};database=$database +;"; if ($dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$DSN","$opts{user}","$opts{password} +")) { &Logger ("...Success: connected to database $opts{server}\\$databa +se\n"); } else { &Logger("ERROR - Cannot connect to DB: $dbh->errstr()\n"); }
    also you can't have $sth->finish if you havent prepared or ecexuted a $sth statement I.e.
    my $query = "select * from sometable"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); for my $rec (@records) { $sth->execute(@$rec); } $setsth->finish();
    Type Stuff - HTH

    Update:Sorry Typo... change $setsth->execute(@$rec); to $sth->execute(@$rec);

    Of all the things I've lost in my life, its my mind I miss the most.
      Thanks AcidHawk.
      A quick question...
      From the code you so kindly provided, why is it $setsth->finish();
      and not $sth->finish();
      Thanks again.

      Dazed and confused,
Re: Battling Getopt::Long
by Anonymous Monk on May 11, 2004 at 13:40 UTC
    As already said Getopt does not return a hash. It also does not return whether the 'options were valid'.
    It 'parses the command line arguments that are present in @ARGV and sets the option variable to the value 1 if the option did occur on the command line. Otherwise, the option variable is not touched.'
    Good Luck!
      2 paragraphs further is the relevant information:
      GetOptions() will return a true value if the command line could be processed successfully. Otherwise, it will write error messages to STDERR, and return a false result.


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