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Convert Gregorian/Islamic Date

by projekt21 (Friar)
on Aug 21, 2003 at 15:04 UTC ( [id://285487]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info Alex Pleiner <>
Description: My wife needed to know some islamic festival dates, so I wrote a conversion module (stealing code from KDE). It still misses features like getting the day of week and others. If anybody is interested I will expand it and/or implement it into Date::Convert as a subclass. Please give me some comments.
package Date::Hijri;
require 5.001;
use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(h2g g2h);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();

our $VERSION = '0.01';


use constant IslamicEpoch => 227014;


sub g2h
    my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
    return Absolute2Islamic(Gregorian2Absolute($day, $month, $year));

sub h2g
    my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
    return Absolute2Gregorian(Islamic2Absolute($day, $month, $year));

sub lastDayOfGregorianMonth
    # Compute the last date of the month for the Gregorian calendar.
    my ($month, $year) = @_;
    if ($month == 2)
        return 29 if ($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) || ($year % 
+400 == 0);
    return (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)[$month - 1

sub Gregorian2Absolute
    # Computes the absolute date from the Gregorian date.
    my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
    my $N = $day;                          # days this month
    for (my $m = $month - 1; $m > 0; $m--) # days in prior months this
+ year
        $N += lastDayOfGregorianMonth($m, $year);
    return int($N                        # days this year
               + 365 * ($year - 1)       # days in previous years igno
+ring leap days
               + ($year - 1) / 4         # Julian leap days before thi
+s year...
               - ($year - 1) / 100       # ...minus prior century year
               + ($year - 1) / 400);     # prior years divisib
+le by 400

sub Absolute2Gregorian
    # Computes the Gregorian date from the absolute date.
    my ($d) = @_;
    # Search forward year by year from approximate year
    my $year = int($d / 366 + 0.5);
    while ($d >= Gregorian2Absolute(1,1,$year+1)) { $year++; }
    # Search forward month by month from January
    my $month = 1;
    while ($d > Gregorian2Absolute(lastDayOfGregorianMonth($month, $ye
+ar), $month, $year)) { $month++; }
    my $day = $d - Gregorian2Absolute(1, $month, $year) + 1;

    return ($day, $month, $year);

sub IslamicLeapYear
    # True if year is an Islamic leap year
    my ($year) = @_;
    return ((((11 * $year) + 14) % 30) < 11) ? 1 : 0;

sub lastDayOfIslamicMonth
    # Last day in month during year on the Islamic calendar.
    my ($month, $year) = @_;
    return ($month % 2 == 1) || ($month == 12 && IslamicLeapYear($year
+)) ? 30 : 29;

sub Islamic2Absolute
    # Computes the absolute date from the Islamic date.
    my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
    return int($day                      # days so far this month
               + 29 * ($month - 1)       # days so far...
               + int($month /2)          # ...this year
               + 354 * ($year - 1)       # non-leap days in prior year
               + (3 + (11 * $year)) / 30 # leap days in prior years
               + IslamicEpoch);          # days before start of calend

sub Absolute2Islamic
    # Computes the Islamic date from the absolute date.
    my ($d) = @_;
    my ($day, $month, $year);
    if ($d <= IslamicEpoch)
        # Date is pre-Islamic
        $month = 0;
        $day = 0;
        $year = 0;
        # Search forward year by year from approximate year
        $year = int(($d - IslamicEpoch) / 355);
        while ($d >= Islamic2Absolute(1,1,$year+1)) { $year++; }
        # Search forward month by month from Muharram
        $month = 1;
        while ($d > Islamic2Absolute(lastDayOfIslamicMonth($month,$yea
+r), $month, $year)) { $month++ }
        $day = $d - Islamic2Absolute(1, $month, $year) + 1;
    return ($day, $month, $year);



=head1 NAME

Date::Hijri - Perl extension to convert islamic (hijri) and gregorian 


  use Date::Hijri;

  # convert gregorian to hijri date
  my ($hd, $hm, $hy) = g2h($gd, $gm, $gy);

  # convert hijri to gregorian date
  my ($gd, $gm, $gy) = h2g($hd, $hm, $hy);


This simple module converts gregorian dates to islamic (hijri) and vic
+e versa.

The dates must be given as an array containing the day, month and year
+, and return the 
corresponding date as a list with the same elements.


  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Date::Hijri;

  print join("-", g2h(22,8,2003));  # prints 23-6-1424
  print join("-", h2g(23,6,1424));  # prints 22-8-2003

=head1 SEE ALSO

This code is just stolen from KDE's L<kcalendarsystemhijri.cpp> at

   Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Carlos Moro <>
   Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Hans Petter Bieker <>

   kcalendarsystemhijri.cpp is translated from the Lisp code
   in ``Calendrical Calculations'' by Nachum Dershowitz and
   Edward M. Reingold, Software---Practice & Experience,
   vol. 20, no. 9 (September, 1990), pp. 899--928.

   This code is in the public domain, but any use of it
   should publically acknowledge its source.

=head1 AUTHOR

Alex Pleiner, E<lt>alex@zeitform.deE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 zeitform Internet Dienste. All rights reserve
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


I haven't really tested if the converted dates are right and hope
someone will point out mistakes.

Hijri calculations are very difficult. The islamic calendar is a pure
lunar calendar, the new month starts by a physical (i.e. human)
sighting of the crescent moon at a given locale. So it depends on
several factors (like weather) that make it unreliable to calculate
islamic calendars in advance. As a result the dates calculated by
Date::Hijri can be false by one or more days.

Please see for further

I'm not a muslim, but interested in Islamic culture, religion and
calendar system. I believe in the Internet as a chance to realize that
we live in a small world with multiple cultures, religions and
philosophies. We can learn from others and develop tolerance, respect
and understanding.

Salam Alaikum (peace be with you)


## -fin-
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Convert Gregorian/Islamic Date
by bm (Hermit) on Aug 21, 2003 at 15:50 UTC
    Hi, this looks interesting (++), except for require 5.001; Why is that?

      Good question, I guess it was in that template file I used ...

      Please ignore it :-)

      My current h2xs (version 1.22) would have given:

      use 5.008; use strict; use warnings;

      Update: As I got a downvote for this statement, I started reading perldelta and yes, this is totally bullshit. If I read thoroughly enough, then our was introduced with version 5.6.0 and I had to

      use 5.6.0;
      or better drop this and our in favourite of use vars to support older versions. Looks like no other part of this code requires a newer version.

      alex pleiner <>
      zeitform Internet Dienste

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