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by gravalo (Novice)
on Jan 10, 2003 at 18:34 UTC ( [id://225902]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Networking Code
Author/Contact Info gravalo
Description: The development of started while I was working on an ICB bot. I wanted to be able to share files on an ICB channel either via a bot or a chat client. uses a very basic protocol to allow a client to request a file from a server. The server, if the file is contained in _directory will then respond with an acknowledgement and the file size. The server then will open the requested file and print it to the client, which is storing the file as file_name.copy.
The following is an example of a file server created with
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use FileShare; my ($fh) = FileShare->new(_send_only => 1, _socket => 1, _directory => '/tmp/files_to_share', _debug => 1); $fh->server_connection;

and the following is an example of a file sharing client:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use FileShare; my ($fh) = FileShare->new(_send_only => 0, _socket => 1, _directory => '/home/userid', _debug => 1); $fh->client_connection("x.x.x.x", "3000", "somefile");
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ver 0.9        1-07-03
# Gene Gallistel        <>
package FileShare;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Carp;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.7';

use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT );
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( );

 ## The following is a very basic group of packets. 
 ## These will be used to send and receive commands
 ## between the client and server.
 use vars qw( $M_QUERY $M_ACK $M_REJ );
 $M_QUERY    =    'b';    # query packet
 $M_ACK        =    'c';    # acknowledgement packet
 $M_REJ        =    'd';    # opposite of $M_ACK. 
 ## if $M_REJ is sent to client, it means immediate disconnect. The
 ## server will not respond to an $M_REJ packet from a client.

 ## The following is the hash containing constructor elements. 
 ## _send_only - on(1)/off(0) switch, which may seem redundant, since 
+one would 
 ## have to choose either server_connection or client_connection, but 
+I perfer
 ## to err on the side of safety. 
 ## _socket - _socket will be an IO::Socket::INET object. Assign a sca
+lar to it. 
 ## I had serious problems with this, setting up this solution for it.
 ## _directory - dual purpose, for server, the directory which the sha
 ## files will be stored. For the client, the download directory.
 ## _debug - on(1)/off(0) switch. If on, will print debugging informat
 my (%_fields) = ( _send_only => '???', _socket => '???', _directory =
+> '???',
           _debug => '???');

my (@_files);            # array for files read from directory
my ($files_ref) = \@_files;    # reference to point to @_files
my ($directory);

    # constructor for object creation
    sub new
        my ($class, %args) = @_;
        my ($self) = {%_fields};

        foreach my $field (keys %_fields)
            $self->{$field} = $args{$field}
                if defined $args{$field};
        bless $self, $class;
        ## assign _directory to the global. This
        ## will be used in the read_directory sub. 
        $directory = $self->{_directory};
       return $self;

    # standard destructor 
    ## Will print the nice little message below, then sleep for
    ## one second, undefine self and exit. 
        my ($self) = shift;
        undef %$self;
        sleep 1;
        croak "\nSELF has been DESTROYED...\n";

    sub client_connection
        my ($self, $server, $port, $file) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3
+] || " ");
        my ($file_size, $bytes_read, $data) = 0;

        ## client must send _send_only to 0, or false    
        if ($self->{_send_only} ne "0") {
            croak "\nClient must set _send_only option to 0";

        my ($socket) = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                        PeerAddr => $server,
                        PeerPort => $port,
                        Proto    => "tcp",
                        Type     => SOCK_STREAM)
                or croak "Cannot establish socket connection: $!";

        # save socket for later use    
        $self->{_socket} = $socket;
        ## if socket is not defined, there is no point in continuing o
        if(not defined($socket)) {
            croak "\nSocket is not defined in client_connection";

        ## check to confirm file name is not blank
        if ($file eq " ") {
            croak "\nFile to download is not specified in client_conne
        ## sending query and file name to the server
        $self->send_cmd($M_QUERY, $file);

        ## declare the variables for listening to the server 
        ## and receiving a packet and filename from the server.       
        my ($type, $response);
        ($type, $response) = $self->recv_cmd;
        ## first check to confrim packet from server was not a $M_REJ
        if ($type eq $M_REJ) {          
             croak "\nReceived a rejection packet from server";
        } elsif ($type eq $M_ACK) {
        ## If type is equal to M_ACK, a file size should follow.
        ## After that, the client should open a new file, and 
        ## print until file size has been reached...something         
        ## like that
            $file_size = $response;
            open (OUTFILE, ">$directory/$file.copy") or croak "Cannot 
+open file for writing: $!";
            while (read($socket, $data, $file_size)) {
                print OUTFILE $data;
                $bytes_read += length($data);

                    ## When bytes read is equal to the file's size
                    ## end the read/print loop 
                    if ($bytes_read eq $file_size) {
            close (OUTFILE) or croak "Cannot close file: $!";
            ## if everything goes well, up to this point, 
            ## file has been downloaded and is now closed.
            print STDERR "\nDownloaded $file from server and saved it 
+as, $file.copy.\n";
            sleep 1; ## sleep for one second
            exit 0;  ## exit  
        } else {
            ## server will never send a $M_QUERY packet,
            ## so if not the first two, there must be a 
            ## problem.
            croak "\nUndetermined packet from server";

    ## Impliments a server connection 
    sub server_connection
        my ($self, $port) = ($_[0], $_[1] || "3000");
        my ($filename) = " ";
        my ($type, $file_size, $number_of_files);
        my ($remote, $hostinfo);
        my ($data, $buffersize) = 1024;
        ## This may seem realy redundant, but if someone can 
        ## set up a file server in under 10 lines of code with 
        ## this .pm they should be able to specify the option '1'
        ## for _send_only 
        if ( $self->{_send_only} ne "1" ) {
            croak "Server dying...variable _send_only must be set to 1
        # create new socket
        my ($socket) = new IO::Socket::INET(
                        Listen      => 10, #could also be SOMAXCONN
                        LocalPort => $port,
                        Reuse      => 1,
                        Proto      => 'tcp')
                or croak "Could not open socket for listening: $!";
        ## read_directory sub returns an array of files in directory
        @{$files_ref} = read_directory();    

        ## used for printing out the files in the $self->{_directory} 
        $number_of_files = @{$files_ref};
        ## print the contents of $self->{_directory} to STDERR, 
        ## so they can be scene while server is engaged.
        if ($self->{_debug} eq "1") {
            print STDERR "Files to offer: \n";
            for (my $i = 0; $i < $number_of_files; ++$i){
                print STDERR $files_ref->[$i];
                print STDERR "\n";

        while (defined ($remote = $socket->accept)) {    
            $hostinfo = gethostbyaddr($remote->peeraddr, AF_INET);
            ## This was a pain to figure out. Save the
            ## socket for later. It's changed for because 
            ## of the $socket->accept
            $self->{_socket} = $remote;

            ## Listen for the client to send an $M_QUERY packet 
            ## and a filename.
            ($type, $filename) = $self->recv_cmd();

            ## if packet is not $M_QUERY packet (ie. $M_ACK or
            ## $M_REJ packet) send a $M_REJ packet to the client.
            ## Then skip to the next iteration of the while loop.
            if ($type ne $M_QUERY) {

            ## If client sends a $M_QUERY packet, determine if file
            ## exists in $directory and is readable. If not, send 
            ## a response to client.
            ## Then skip to the next iteration of the while loop.
            if ((-e "$directory/$filename") && (-r "$directory/$filena
+me")) {
                if ($self->{_debug} eq "1") {
                    print STDERR "File $filename exists and is readabl

                ## Determine the size of the specified file.
                $file_size = (stat("$directory/$filename"))[7];
                ## Send a $M_ACK packet and a file size    
                $self->send_cmd($M_ACK, "$file_size");

                open (INPUT, "<$directory/$filename") or croak "Cannot
+ open input file $filename: $!";
                    while (read(INPUT, $data, $file_size)) {
                        print $remote $data;
                close (INPUT) or croak "Cannot close input file $filen
+ame: $!";
            } else {
                ## the instance, where the file does not exist or is n
+ot readable
                $self->send_cmd($M_REJ); # send rejection to client
                next;             # skip to next iteration in loop

    ## Read the list of files into the @_files array for later use.
    ## The only use for this is for debugging purposes.
    sub read_directory
        my ($self) = $_[0];
         my ($dir) = $_[1] || $directory;
        my ($file);
        opendir(DIR, $dir) or croak "Cannot open directory: $dir : $!"
            while (defined ($file = readdir (DIR))) {
                ## include a check to find '.' directorys
                ## and jump the the next element
                push(@_files, $file);
        return @_files;

    ## Send a packet over the wire. This should not
    ## be used by clients/servers directly, but only
    ## by the send_cmd() sub.  
    sub _send_packet {
        my ($self, $packet) = @_;
        my ($socket) = $self->{_socket};
        my ($plen) = length($packet);    # Size plus null.

        # Bounds checking to MAXCHAR-1 (terminating null).
        if ($plen > 254) {
            croak "send: packet > 255 bytes";

        # Add the terminating null.
        $packet .= "\0"; $plen++;

        # Add the packet length (<= 255) to the packet head.
        $packet = chr($plen).$packet; $plen++;

        my $wrotelen = send($socket, $packet, 0);
        if (not defined($wrotelen)) {
            croak "send: $!";
        } elsif ($wrotelen != $plen) {
            croak "send: wrote $wrotelen of $plen: $!";
        } else {
            return 'ok';

    ## Read a pending packet from the socket. This should
    ## not be used directly by either clients/servers, but 
    ## only by the recv_cmd() sub. 
    sub _recv_packet {
        my ($self) = @_;
        my ($socket) = $self->{_socket};
        my ($slen, $buffer, $ret);

        # Read a byte of packet length.
        $ret = recv($socket, $slen, 1, 0);
        if (not defined($ret)) {
            croak "recv size: $!";
        } elsif (length($slen) != 1) {
            croak "recv size != 1: $!";
        } else {
            # Convert char to integer.
            $slen = ord($slen);
            while ($slen) {    # Read the entire packet.
                my $pbuf;
                $ret = recv($socket, $pbuf, $slen, 0);
                if (not defined($ret)) {
                    croak "recv msg: $!";
                } else {
                    $slen -= length($pbuf);
                    $buffer .= $pbuf;
            # Remove trailing null.
    # Read a message from the server and break it into its fields.
    sub recv_cmd {
        my ($self) = shift;
        my ($msg);

        # Read the waiting packet.
        if (eval { $msg = $self->_recv_packet() }) {
            # Break up the message.
            my ($type, $buf) = split(/,/, $msg);

            ## if debugging set, print packet type and buffer
            if ($self->{_debug} eq "1") {
                print STDERR "\nReceiving Packet Type: $type\nReceivin
+g Buffer: $buf\n";    
            return ($type, $buf);

    sub send_cmd 
        if (@_ > 2) {
            my ($self, $cmd, $data) = @_;

            ## $cmd will be either $M_QUERY, $M_ACK, or $M_REJ
            ## The first two will have a second scalar with them.
            ## $M_REJ is the equivalent of a kill packet to client. 
            ## Server will not respond to the $M_REJ packet.
            ## printing options if debugging option set
            if ($self->{_debug} eq "1") {
                print STDERR "\nSending Command: $cmd\nSending Data: $
            my ($buf) = "$cmd,$data";

            if (eval { $self->_send_packet($buf) }) {
                return 'ok';
        } else {
            my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
            my ($buf) = "$cmd,";
            ## again, printing $cmd if debugging is set to 1
            if ($self->{_debug} eq "1") {
                print STDERR "\nSending Command: $cmd\n";

            if (eval { $self->_send_packet($buf) }) {
                return 'ok';



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