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RE: RE: Odd file rename

by t0mas (Priest)
on Jun 14, 2000 at 18:02 UTC ( [id://18101]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to RE: Odd file rename
in thread Odd file rename

Untested code coming...
#!/usr/bin/perl my $pattern = "PGP"; &renameFiles('/home/user/perl/testincoming'); sub renameFiles { # Pass directory name as parameter my $Dir = shift; opendir(DIR, $Dir) || die "Can't opendir $Dir: $!"; my @Files = grep { -f "$Dir/$_" } readdir(DIR); rewinddir(DIR); my @Dirs = grep { /^[^.].*/ && -d "$Dir/$_" && ! -l "$Dir/$_"} rea +ddir(DIR); closedir DIR; foreach $file (@Files) { open(FILE,"<$Dir/$file") || die "Can't open $file: $!"; my $doRename=0; READFILE: while (<FILE>) { if (/\Q$pattern\E/) { $doRename=1; last READFILE; } } close(FILE); if ($doRename) { my $newname=$file; $newname=~s/^./o/; rename ("$Dir/$file", "$Dir/$newname"); } } # Call self for each subdir foreach $SubDir (@Dirs) { &renameFiles(join("/",$Dir,$SubDir)); } };
Should rename all files containing a PGP line in the whole subdirectory tree. This is just a quick modify of something I already had, so it may contain bugs, etc...
I'm not responsible for what it does to your system, no warraty, etc, etc. You know the standard phrases.

UPDATE:As merlyn humbly suggests in his post, I now check for symlinks with && ! -l "$Dir/$_". The code is still untested from my part.

/brother t0mas

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