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Re^3: Code challenge: Route planning on a 2D grid

by tybalt89 (Monsignor)
on Mar 14, 2020 at 14:43 UTC ( [id://11114255]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Code challenge: Route planning on a 2D grid
in thread Code challenge: Route planning on a 2D grid

Hey, no fair changing the rules in the middle...

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; my ($startrow, $startcol, $destrow, $destcol); my @m; my @visited; my $maxrow; my $maxcol; my $maxscore; my $minlength; my $best; for my $SIZE ( 2, 3 ) # add in 1024 and be prepared to wai +t :) { # srand 42; # uncomment for the specified problem +grid my $W = $SIZE; my $H = $SIZE; my $maxscore = 10; my $Grid = []; for my $row ( 0 .. $H - 1 ) { $Grid->[$row] = [(0)x$W]; for my $col ( 0 .. $W - 1 ) { $Grid->[$row]->[$col] = $maxscore - int(rand(2*$maxscore+1)) } } # now add a highscore to stand out for just 1 cell in each column my $highscore = 21; for my $row ( 0 .. $H - 1 ) { $Grid->[$row]->[int(rand($W))] = $highscore; } for my $row ( 0 .. $H-1 ) { printf "%4d" x $W . "\n", @{ $Grid->[$row] }; } print "\n"; ($startrow, $startcol, $destrow, $destcol) = (0, 0, $H-1, $W-1); @m = @$Grid; @visited = (); $maxrow = $W-1; $maxcol = $H-1; $maxscore = undef; $minlength = undef; $best = undef; $visited[$startrow][$startcol] = 1; try( $startrow, $startcol, $m[$startrow][$startcol] ); $best or die "no best found"; # print "\n$best\n\n"; my @best = split ' ', $best; my @values; print "best path:\n"; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @best - 4; $i += 3 ) { print directions(@best[$i .. $i+5]), ' '; # push @values, $m[$best[$i]][$best[$i+1]]; push @values, $best[$i+2] eq '00' ? '00' : $m[$best[$i]][$best[$i+ +1]]; } print "\n= "; print join '+', @values, $m[$best[-3]][$best[-2]]; print "\n= $best[-1]\n\n"; } sub try { my ($row, $col, $score) = @_[-3 .. -1]; # print "$row $col $score\n"; if( $row == $destrow && $col == $destcol ) { if( $maxscore ) { if( $score > $maxscore or $score == $maxscore and $minlength > @_) { $maxscore = $score; $minlength = @_; $best = "@_"; } } else { $maxscore = $score; $minlength = @_; $best = "@_"; } return; } for my $r ( 0 .. $maxrow ) { if( ++$visited[$r][$col] == 1 ) { # if( $m[$r][$col] >= 0 || # $r == $destrow && $col == $destcol ) { if( $r < $row - 1 ) { my @slide = map {($_, $col, '00') } reverse $r + 1 .. $row - + 1; try( @_, @slide, $r, $col, $score + $m[$r][$col] ); } elsif( $r > $row + 1 ) { my @slide = map {($_, $col, '00') } $row + 1 .. $r - 1; try( @_, @slide, $r, $col, $score + $m[$r][$col] ); } else { try( @_, $r, $col, $score + $m[$r][$col] ); } } } --$visited[$r][$col]; } for my $c ( 0 .. $maxcol ) { if( ++$visited[$row][$c] == 1 ) { # if( $m[$row][$c] >= 0 || # $row == $destrow && $c == $destcol ) { if( $c < $col - 1 ) { my @slide = map {($row, $_, '00') } reverse $c + 1 .. $col - + 1; try( @_, @slide, $row, $c, $score + $m[$row][$c] ); } elsif( $c > $col + 1 ) { my @slide = map {($row, $_, '00') } $col + 1 .. $c - 1; try( @_, @slide, $row, $c, $score + $m[$row][$c] ); } else { try( @_, $row, $c, $score + $m[$row][$c] ); } } } --$visited[$row][$c]; } } sub directions { my ($rowfrom, $colfrom, $fromscore, $rowto, $colto, $toscore) = @_; return +($rowfrom != $rowto ? $rowfrom < $rowto ? 'down' : 'up' : $colfrom < $colto ? 'right' : 'left') . ($toscore eq '00' ? '-slide' : ''); }

Sample Output:

21 -8 5 21 best path: down right = 21+5+21 = 47 3 21 -6 9 21 10 -7 7 21 best path: down right-slide right left up down-slide down right = 3+9+00+10+21+21+00+7+21 = 92

For a size of 1024 x 1024, run time is estimated to be either the twelfth of never, or three days after the heat death of the universe, whichever comes last.

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Re^4: Code challenge: Route planning on a 2D grid
by LanX (Saint) on Mar 14, 2020 at 17:05 UTC

      Yes, slides show for each cell, and the values for that cell is the special flag 00, which is a value of zero separate from an actual 0 cell.

Re^4: Code challenge: Route planning on a 2D grid
by LanX (Saint) on Mar 14, 2020 at 16:13 UTC
    > no fair changing the rules

    Which rules do you apply?

    > For a size of 1024 x 1024, run time is estimated to be either the twelfth of never,

    Depends on the rules.

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    Wikisyntax for the Monastery

      The original rules.

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