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Re: Inheritance when subclass passed as a parameter

by tobyink (Canon)
on Feb 05, 2020 at 12:33 UTC ( [id://11112427]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to [Solved] Inheritance when subclass passed as a parameter

Answer using Moo

# oo.t use strict; use warnings; use lib '.'; use Test::More; use_ok 'Service', ' loads'; my $xml = Service->new_by_name('xml', 'xmldata'); $xml->populate; is $xml->template, '<data>xmldata</data>', 'XML OK'; my $json = Service->new_by_name('json', 'jsondata'); $json->populate; is $json->template, '{"data": jsondata}', 'JSON OK'; done_testing; # package Service; use Moo; has 'data' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); has 'template' => (is => 'rw', builder => '_build_template'); sub populate { my $self = shift; (my $tmpl = $self->template) =~ s/\[data\]/$self->data/emsi; $self->template($tmpl); } sub new_by_name { my (undef, $name, $data) = @_; $name = uc $name; my $class = __PACKAGE__ . "::$name"; eval "require $class"; $class->new(data => $data); } 1; # Service/ package Service::XML; use Moo; extends 'Service'; sub _build_template { '<data>[data]</data>' } 1; # Service/ package Service::JSON; use Moo; extends 'Service'; sub _build_template { '{"data": [data]}' } 1;

Answer using MooX::Pression

In this example, Service/ and Service/ are no longer needed; all classes are defined in

use MooX::Pression prefix => 'MyApp'; class ::Service { has data (is => ro, type => Str, required => true); has template (is => rw, type => Str, builder => true); method populate () { (my $tmpl = $self->template) =~ s/\[data\]/$self->data/emsi; $self->template($tmpl); } method new_by_name (Str $name, Str $data) { $name = uc $name; my $child = "$class\::$name"; $child->new(data => $data); } class +XML { method _build_template () { '<data>[data]</data>' } } class +JSON { method _build_template () { '{"data": [data]}' } } } 1;

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Re^2: Inheritance when subclass passed as a parameter
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 05, 2020 at 13:26 UTC
    Shouldn't it use roles instead of inheritance?

      I thought I replied to this yesterday, but I guess I did the thing where I preview a post and then forgot to actually post it.

      Anyway, the Service class is usable in its own right, so it makes sense to keep it as a class, not a role.

      my $text = Service->new( template => "[data]\n", data => 'foo' );

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