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by Masem (Monsignor)
on Jul 06, 2001 at 00:44 UTC ( [id://94271]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info Michael K. Neylon (
Description: Allows one to simulate 1D automata with multiple colors using perl. The POD should sufficiently explain the use of the module.

Comments, critiques, and other inputs are gladly accepted!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package Cellular::Automata::1D;

# $Id:,v 0.01 2001/07/05 20:37:34 mneylon Exp $
# $Revision: 0.01 $
# $Author: mneylon $
# $Date: 2001/07/05 20:37:34 $
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 0.01  2001/07/05 20:37:34  mneylon
# Initial Release

use strict;
use Exporter;
use Carp;

use Data::Dumper;

    use Exporter   ();
    use vars       qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
    $VERSION     = sprintf( "%d.%02d", q($Revision: 0.01 $) =~ /\s(\d+
+)\.(\d+)/ );
    @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
    @EXPORT      = qw();
    %EXPORT_TAGS = ( );

my %allowed_prefs = (
    ruletype => [ qw( explicit grouped ) ],
    ends     => [ qw( edges mirrors warps ) ]

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my ( $size, $radius, $colors, $color_rep, $rules, $options ) = @_;

    # Defaults
    croak "Size must be greater than zero" unless ( $size ||= 100 ) > 
    croak "Radius must be non-negative" unless ( $radius ||= 1 ) >= 0;
    croak "Colors must be greater than one" unless ( $colors ||= 2 ) >
+ 1;
    $color_rep ||= join '', ('A'..'Z');
    if ( ref ( $color_rep ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    $color_rep = join '', @$color_rep;
    croak "Color representation must have at least as many colors as s
    unless ( length $color_rep >= $colors );
    croak "Color representation must be specified with more than 26 co
    unless ( $colors < 26 || 
         ( $colors > 26 && length $color_rep >= $colors ) );

    croak "Color representation cannot have duplicated characters" 
    unless ( _test_color_representation( $colors, $color_rep ) );

    $rules ||= {};
    $options ||= { ruletype => 'grouped',
           ends => 'edges' 

    my $self = { size => $size,
         radius => $radius,
         colors => $colors,
         rep => $color_rep,
         cells => [ substr( $color_rep, 0, 1 ) x $size ],
         rules => {},
         options => {} };
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->set_rules( $rules );
    $self->set_preferences( $options );
    return $self;

sub set_rule
    my ( $self, $states, $state ) = @_;

    if ( ref( $states ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    $states = join '', @$states;

    return 0 unless ( _test_colors( $states, $self->{ colors }, $self-
+>{ rep } )
            _test_colors( $state, $self->{ colors }, $self->{ rep } )
    return 0 unless ( length $states >= 2 * $self->{ radius } + 1 );
    $states = substr( $states, 0, 2 * $self->{ radius } + 1 );
    if ( $self->{ options }->{ ruletype } eq 'grouped' ) {
    $states = _sort_on_colors( $states, $self->{ rep } );

    $self->{ rules }->{ $states } = substr( $state, 0, 1 );

    return 1;

sub set_rules
    my ( $self, @rules ) = @_;

    my %rule_hash;
    if ( @rules == 1 && ref( $rules[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
    %rule_hash = %{ $rules[ 0 ] };
    } else {
    %rule_hash = @rules;

    my $total = 0;
    foreach my $rule ( keys %rule_hash ) {
    $total += $self->set_rule( $rule, $rule_hash{ $rule } );
    return $total;

sub get_rule
    my ( $self, $rule ) = @_;

    if ( $self->{ options }->{ ruletype } eq 'grouped' ) {
    $rule = _sort_on_colors( $rule, $self->{ rep } );
    return $self->{ rules }->{ $rule };

sub get_rules
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my %rulehash;
    foreach my $key ( keys %{ $self->{ rules } } ) {
    $rulehash{ $key } = $self->{ rules }->{ $key };
    return %rulehash;

sub clear_rules
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    $self->{ rules } = {};

sub set_cell
    my ( $self, $pos, $color ) = @_;
    croak "Position is out of range" 
    unless ( $pos >= 0 && $pos < $self->{ size } );
    croak "Color is not one of specified color" 
    unless _test_colors( substr( $color, 0, 1 ), 
                 $self->{ colors }, $self->{ rep } );
    $self->{ cells }->[ $pos ] = substr( $color, 0, 1 );

sub set_cells
    my ( $self, $pos, @colors ) = @_;
    if ( @colors == 1 && ref( $colors[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) ) {
    @colors = @{$colors[0]};
    } elsif ( @colors == 1 ) {
    @colors = split //, $colors[0];

    croak "Position is out of range"
    unless ( $pos >= 0 && $pos < $self->{ size } );
    croak "Color array too large"
    unless ( $pos + @colors <= $self->{ size } );

    foreach my $i ( 0..@colors-1 ) {
    $self->set_cell( $pos + $i, $colors[$i] );

sub get_cell
    my ( $self, $pos ) = @_;
    croak "Position is out of range"
    unless ( $pos >= 0 && $pos < $self->{ size } );
    return $self->{ cells }->[ $pos ];

sub get_cells
    my ( $self, $start, $length ) = @_;
    $start ||= 0;
    $length ||= $self->{ size } - $start - 1;
    croak "Start position is out of range"
    unless ( $start >= 0 && $start < $self->{ size } );
    croak "Length is out of range"
    unless ( $start + $length < $self->{ size } && $length > 0 );
    my @array;
    push @array, $self->get_cell( $_ ) foreach ( $start..$start+$lengt
+h );
    if ( wantarray ) {
    return @array;
    } else {
    return join '', @array;

sub set_size
    my ( $self, $size ) = @_;
    croak "Size must be greater than zero" 
    unless ( $size > 0 );
    $self->{ size } = $size;
    $self->{ cells } = [ substr( $self->{ rep }, 0, 1 ) x $size ];

sub get_size
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return $self->{ size };

sub set_radius
    my ( $self, $radius ) = @_;
    $self->{ radius } = $radius;

sub get_radius
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return $self->{ radius };

sub set_colors
    my ( $self, $colors, @color_rep ) = @_;

    croak "Number of colors must be larger than 1"
    unless $colors > 1;

    my $color_rep;
    if ( @color_rep > 1 ) {
    $color_rep = join '', map { substr( $_, 0, 1 ) } @color_rep;
    } elsif ( @color_rep == 1 ) {
    $color_rep = $color_rep[0];
    } else {
    $color_rep = $self->{ rep };

    # Various checks
    croak "Color representation must be at least as large as number of
+ colors"
    unless ( length( $color_rep ) >= $colors );
    croak "Color representation must have all unique characters"
    unless _test_color_representation( substr( $color_rep, 0, 
                           $colors ) );
    $self->{ colors } = $colors;
    $self->{ rep } = $color_rep;

sub get_colors
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return $self->{ colors };

sub set_color_representation
    my ( $self, @color_rep ) = @_;
    my $color_rep;
    if ( @color_rep > 1 ) {
    $color_rep = join '', map { substr( $_, 0, 1 ) } @color_rep;
    } else {
    $color_rep = $color_rep[0];
    # Various checks
    croak "Color representation must be at least as large as number of
+ colors"
    unless ( length( $color_rep ) >= $self->{ colors } );
    croak "Color representation must have all unique characters"
    unless _test_color_representation( substr( $color_rep, 0, 
                           $self->{ colors } ) );
    $self->{ rep } = $color_rep;


sub get_color_representation
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return wantarray ? split //, $self->{ rep } : $self->{ rep };

sub set_preferences
    my ( $self, @prefs ) = @_;
    my %prefs;
    if ( @prefs == 1 && ref( $prefs[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
    %prefs = %{ $prefs[0] };
    } else {
    %prefs = @prefs;

    foreach my $key ( keys %prefs ) {
    if ( $allowed_prefs{ lc( $key ) } ) {
        if ( grep { $_ eq lc( $prefs{ $key } ) } 
         @{ $allowed_prefs{ lc( $key ) } } ) {
        $self->{ options }->{ lc( $key ) } = lc( $prefs{ $key } );
        } else {
        croak "Value for preference '", lc( $key ), "' must be ",
        "one of (", join(',', @{ $allowed_prefs{ lc{ $key } } } );
    } else {
        croak "Preference field '", $key, "' not known";

sub get_preferences
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my %hash;
    foreach my $key ( keys %{ $self->{ options } } ) {
    $hash{ $key } = $self->{ options }->{ $key };
    return %hash;

sub process
    my ( $self, $times ) = @_;
    $times ||= 1;
    foreach ( 1..$times ) { $self->_process(); }

# Internal, does one step

sub _process
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @newstate = ();
    foreach my $i ( 0..$self->{ size }-1 )
    my @states = ();
    # Left end...
    if ( $i < $self->{ radius } ) {
        foreach my $j ( $i - $self->{ radius } .. -1 ) {
        if ( $self->{ options }->{ ends } eq 'mirrors' ) {
            push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ abs( $j ) ];
        } elsif ( $self->{ options }->{ ends } eq 'warps' ) {
            push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ $j + $self->{ size } ];
        } else {
            push @states, substr( $self->{ rep }, 0, 1 );
        foreach my $j ( 0..$i+ $self->{ radius } ) {
        push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ $j ];
    } elsif ( $i > $self->{ size } - $self->{ radius } - 1 ) {
        foreach my $j ( $i - $self->{ radius } .. $self->{ size } - 1 
+) {
        push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ $j ];
        foreach my $j ( $self->{ size } .. $i + $self->{ radius } ) {
        if ( $self->{ options }->{ ends } eq 'mirrors' ) {
            push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ 2*$self->{ size } - $j -
+ 2 ];
        } elsif ( $self->{ options }->{ ends } eq 'warps' ) {
            push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ $j - $self->{ size } ];
        } else {
            push @states, substr( $self->{ rep }, 0, 1 );
    } else {
        foreach my $j ( $i - $self->{ radius }..$i + $self->{ radius }
+ ) {
        push @states, $self->{ cells }->[ $j ];
    my $states = join '', @states;
    if ( $self->{ options }->{ ruletype } eq 'grouped' ) {
        $states = _sort_on_colors( $states, $self->{ rep } );
    if ( $self->{ rules }->{ $states } ) {
        $newstate[ $i ] = $self->{ rules }->{ $states };
    } else {
        $newstate[ $i ] = substr( $self->{ rep }, 0, 1 );
    $self->{ cells } = \@newstate;

# ----
# Subs below here are for internal use only
# ----

# Internal : Test the given string against the color rep to make
# sure all string characters are only from the color rep.  True if
# so, false otherwise.

sub _test_colors
    my ( $string, $colors, $rep  ) = @_;
    return ( $string !~ /[^\Qsubstr( $rep, 0, $colors )\E]/ );

# Internal : Test the color representation string to make sure there
# are no duplicates, Returns true if free of duplicates, false otherwi

sub _test_color_representation
    my ( $colors, $rep ) = @_;
    return ( substr( $rep, 0, $colors ) !~ /(.).*\1/ );

# Internal : Sorts the first string based on the order of colors of
# the second string

sub _sort_on_colors
    my ( $string, $order ) = @_;
    return join '',
        sort { index( $order, $b ) <=> index( $order, $a ) }
        split //, $string;



=head1 NAME
Cellular::Automata::1D - Implements 1-dimensional cellular simulations


    use Cellular::Automata::1D;

    my $am = new Cellular::Automata( 100, 3, 3, ".*X" );
    $am->set_preferences( { ends => 'edges',
                ruletype => 'grouped'
                } );
    $am->set_rules( { '...' => '*',
              '..*' => '*',
              '.**' => 'X',
              '***' => 'X',
              '..X' => 'X',
              '.XX' => '.',
              'XXX' => '.',
              '.*X' => 'X',
              '**X' => 'X',
              '*XX' => ',' } );
    $am->set_cells( 0, '.*X.*X.*X.' );
    $am->process( 100 );
    print $am->get_cells( );


C<Cellular::Automata::1D> allows one to create automata that are autom
by rules set by the user.  The class allows for an number of 'colors' 
(or states) for cells, as well as for a cell to determine it's next st
by looking over a range of cells (eg, the 'radius').  Rulesets may be
defined as grouped (only the quantity of cells of certain colors in th
range are used to determin the next state) or explicit (quantity and 
position of cells are important).  Note that in the grouping state, gi
C colors and a radius of R (where 2*R+1 cells are used), then the numb
of rules required (N) will be:
               ( C + 2*R )!
     N = -----------------------  (eg, choose( C + ( 2*R+1 ) - 1, 2*R+
+1 ) )
         ( 2*R + 1 )! ( C - 1 )!

while for explicit rules, this quantity will be

     N = C^(2*R+1)

While this module tries to allow you to easily define such rulesets, s
over unneeded rules, 
be aware that any large values of C or R will drastically increase the

In all cases, the cells are numbers from 0 upwards, starting from the 

Note that in the case of grouping rulesets, the rule will be stored in
+ a
'sorted' manner which may be different from what you inputted into the
ruleset.  For example, in a 3 color, radius 3 rule set, a rule that is
entered for "212" may be stored and returned (through C<get_rules>
for example) as "122"; in a grouping ruleset, these are equivalent, bu
will of course be different for explcit rulesets.

For any number of colors, the first color is assumed to be the 'dead'
state.  That is, if during determination of the next state, the
automata runs into a situation that has not been specified by the
rules, the cell will be set to the 'dead' state.  In addition, this is
used by the C<ends> prefernece setting, C<edges>.


=item C<new>( [<size>], [<radius>] [<colors>], [<color_rep>], [<rules>
+], [<options>] )

Creates a new automata.  The following arguments can be passed to


=item C<size> (Default: 100)

The size of the automata.

=item C<radius> (Default: 1)

The radius that the cell will 'see' to determine the next state.  
Thus, each rule will involve (2*radius + 1) cells centered on the one
to be changed.

=item C<colors> (Default: 2)

The number of colors or states that a cell can take

=item C<color_rep> (Default: "AB")

The character representation of the colors/states of the cell.  This
will not only be used to set and get the state of cells, but also used
for the ruleset.  Color 0 will be associated with the first character,
Color 1 with the second, and so forth.  If C<<colors>> is greater than
26, you must give an argument for C<<color_rep>>, as by default, the
first 26 characters will be assigned starting from Z.

=item C<rules> ( Default: {} )

A reference to a hash containing the rules.  See c<set_rule> below
for more details on this.

=item C<options> ( Default: { ruletype => 'GROUPED', ends => 'EDGES' }
+ )

A reference to a hash containing options for the automata.  See 
C<set_options> for specifics on this.


=item C<set_rule>( <state_array> || <state_string>,  <new_state> )

Adds a new rule or changes an existing rule.  This function returns un
if the rule was failed to be added.


=item C<state_array>

A reference to an array of characters that represents the state.  This
must be at least (2*radius+1) elements long; extra elements are droppe
from the array.  If any array elements are not in the color representa
(see C<new>), this function will return undef as noted above.

=item C<state_string>

A string of characters that represents the state.  This is handled sim
to C<state_array>

=item C<new_state>

A character that represents the new state that the cell should be set
to if this rule is activated.  This character should in the color
representation (see C<new>).


=item C<set_rules>( <ruleset> )

Adds or updates (as appropriate) a number of rules at one time.
Returns the number of rules that were added from this function.


=item C<ruleset>

A hash or reference to a hash, where the keys are either the same as
the C<state_array> or C<state_string> given above, and the values are
the C<new_state> values associated with each state. 


=item C<get_rule>( <state_array> || <state_string> )

Returns the C<new_state> that is associated with the given state. 
C<state_array> and C<state_string> are in the same format as in 

=item C<get_rules>

Returns the current ruleset from the automata as a hash.  Keys are in
the same format as C<state_string> from C<set_rule>, values are the
associated C<new_state>s.

=item C<clear_rules>

Empties the ruleset of all rules.

=item C<set_cell>( <pos>, <color> )

Sets the cell at the given position Cpos> to the color C<color>.  Note
that both C<pos> and C<color> must fall within the appropriate boundar
otherwise this function will return undef.

=item C<set_cells>( <pos>, <color_state_string> || <color_state_array>
+ )
Sets a consecutive block of cells using a given input of color states.


=item C<pos>

The position where the setting should start.

=item C<color_state_string>

A string composed of the various color representations that is to be u

=item C<color_state_array>

An array or a reference to an array of the various color representatio
that are to be set.  Note that if an array (not a reference to one) is
passed that is only composed of one element, it will be assume that
this is a C<color_state_string>.


=item C<get_cell>( <pos> )

Returns the color state of the cell at the given position C<pos>.

=item C<get_cells>( [<start>], [<length>] )

Returns the color states of the cells.  If in scalar mode, this will r
the states as a string.  If in scalar mode, an array will be returns. 
+ By
default, this will return the values for all cells.


=item C<start> ( Default: 0 )

The starting position of which cells' values should be returned.  The 
value includes this specific cell's value.  

=item C<length> ( Default: from C<start> to end of cell list )

The length of cells starting from the C<start> position to be returned
If not specified, will return all cells starting from C<start> to the
end of the list.


=item C<set_size>( <size> )

Sets the number of cells to be used in the automata.  B<The current ce
state is cleared to the 'dead' color value>.

=item C<get_size>

Returns the current number of cells in the automata.

=item C<set_radius>( <size> )

Sets the radius that should be used in determining the next state.  
B<This will call the function C<clear_rules>, due to the nature of thi

=item C<get_radius>( <size> )

Returns the current radius.

=item C<set_colors>( <number> [<color_rep>] )

Sets the number of colors to be used in the automata. B<This will call
the function C<clear_rules>, due to the nature of this change>.

=item C<number>

The number of colors to be used.  If the number of colors is larger th
the previous color values, B<and> C<color_rep> is unspecified, this
function will issue a C<die>.  If the number of colors is equal or les
than the previous value, and C<color_rep> is unspecified, the old colo
representation will be used.  

=item C<color_rep>

The new color representation to be used.  See C<new> for more details.
Note that this must be at least as long as the number of colors given,
otherwise.this function will die.  


=item C<get_colors>

Returns the number of colors for the automata.

=item C<get_color_representation>

Returns the color representation.  If in scalar context, this will be 
as a string, while if in array context, this will be returned as an ar

=item C<set_preferences>( <prefs> )

Sets the preferences for the automata.


=item C<prefs>

A hash or a reference to a hash.  The keys that are recognized are as


=item C<ruletype> - Recongized values: grouped | explicit

Determines how the ruleset should be used, as a grouped (where only
quantity of the various cells matter), or explicit (where position 
and number both matter).

=item C<ends> - Recongized values: edges | mirrors | warps

Determined how cells near the end should behave.  If 'edges', any 
spaces that would be outside the block of cells are considered 
as empty, otherwise represented by the first color state.  If 
'mirrors', a mirror copy of the cells starting one back from the 
edge are made.  If 'warps', the edges are assumed to warp to the
other side of the automata and taken from there.

For example, given this 3 color automata, with a radius of 3:


In considering the first cell on the left, each C<ends> value would
produce a rule look-up as follows:

    edges:   AAAAABC
  mirrors:   CBAAABC
    warps:   CACAABC



=item C<get_prefs>

Returns the preferences for the automata as a hash.  Keys are each of 
preference keys given above, with their associated values.

=item C<process>( [<number>] )

Processes the given number of steps in automata.


=item C<number> ( Default: 1 )

Number of steps to perform.



=head1 HISTORY

    $Date: 2001/07/05 20:37:34 $

    $Log:,v $
    Revision 0.01  2001/07/05 20:37:34  mneylon
    Initial Release

=head1 AUTHOR

This package was written by Michael K. Neylon


Copyright 2001 by Michael K. Neylon

=head1 LICENSE

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining 
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Softwar
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitat
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicens
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be include
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.




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