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Re: Text Based Perl Game

by VincentK (Beadle)
on Dec 26, 2013 at 18:32 UTC ( [id://1068448]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Text Based Perl Game

Hi Spoonman2525.

I think a more object oriented approach will help you. My examples below are far from polished and perfect, but should still help you.

For starters, I would abstract a 'player' and a 'room' to a type. This way, you can free them from being locked into a subroutine. This also allows you to setup a central command parser instead of having a set of commands for each room or action.

Listed below is a skeleton of a more object oriented game. It does not contain all of the detail of your storyline, but it does show how to create a player ( it sets a character name, but you can change this behavior ) and load rooms. Within the current framework a player can pickup and drop items. Moving between rooms (so long as the door is not locked) is also allowed.

The main game loop also needs a little work. I tried implement a framework that would allow the game to progress instead of halting on waiting for user input from <STDIN>.

With all that said, I really hope that all of this helps. Best of luck with the game and your learning! I am interested to see what your next version looks like.

Here is a sample player module.
package player; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = (); @EXPORT_OK = qw (new setPlayerStandingStatus getPlayerStandingStatus setPlayer +Position getPlayerPosition); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw(&new &setPlayerStandingStatus &getPlayerStan +dingStatus &setPlayerPosition &getPlayerPosition)]); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { _NAME => shift, _STANDING => shift, _POSITION => shift, _INVENTORY => shift, _HP => shift, _MP => shift, _EXP => shift }; bless $self,$class; return $self; } sub updatePlayerName { my ($self,$player_name) = @_; $self->{_NAME} = $player_name if defined($player_name); return $self->{_NAME}; } sub getPlayerName { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{_NAME}; } sub updateitemPlayerInventory { my ($self,$item,$quantity) = @_; if ($quantity == 0) { delete $self->{_INVENTORY}{$item}; } else { $self->{_INVENTORY}{$item} = $quantity if defined ($quantity); } return $self->{_INVENTORY}; } sub getPlayerInventory { my( $self ) = @_; return ($self->{_INVENTORY}); } sub setPlayerStandingStatus { my ($self,$standing_status) = @_; $self->{_STANDING} = $standing_status if defined($standing_status) +; return $self->{_STANDING}; } sub getPlayerStandingStatus { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{_STANDING}; } sub setPlayerPosition { my ($self,$position) = @_; $self->{_POSITION} = $position if defined($position); return $self->{_POSITION}; } sub getPlayerPosition { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{_POSITION}; } 1;

Here is a sample game room module.
package gameroom; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = (); @EXPORT_OK = qw (updateRoomName getRoomName updateRoomInventoryItems getRoomIn +ventoryItems updateRoomUseItems getRoomUseItems); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw(&updateRoomName &getRoomName &updateRoomInve +ntoryItems &getRoomInventoryItems &updateRoomUseItems &getRoomUseItem +s)]); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { _NAME => shift, _INVENTORY_ITEMS => shift, _ROOM_USE_ITEMS => shift, _CONNECTIONS => shift }; bless $self,$class; return $self; } sub updateRoomName { my ($self,$room_name) = @_; $self->{_NAME} = $room_name if defined($room_name); return $self->{_NAME}; } sub getRoomName { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{_NAME}; } sub updateRoomInventoryItems { my ($self,$item,$quantity) = @_; if ($quantity == 0) { delete($self->{_INVENTORY_ITEMS}{$item}); } else { $self->{_INVENTORY_ITEMS}{$item} = $quantity if defined($quant +ity); } return $self->{_INVENTORY_ITEMS}; } sub getRoomInventoryItems { my( $self ) = @_; return ($self->{_INVENTORY_ITEMS}); } sub updateRoomUseItems { my ($self,$item,$quantity) = @_; if ($quantity == 0) { delete($self->{_ROOM_USE_ITEMS}{$item}); } else { $self->{_ROOM_USE_ITEMS}{$item} = $quantity if defined($quanti +ty); } return $self->{_ROOM_USE_ITEMS}; } sub getRoomUseItems { my( $self ) = @_; return ($self->{_ROOM_USE_ITEMS}); } sub updateRoomConnections { my ($self,$room,$locked_state,$key_item) = @_; $self->{_CONNECTIONS}{$room}[0] = $locked_state if defined($locked +_state); $self->{_CONNECTIONS}{$room}[1] = $key_item if defined($key_item); + return $self->{_CONNECTIONS}; } sub getRoomConnections { my( $self ) = @_; return ($self->{_CONNECTIONS}); } 1;

Here is a sample game room loadfile. You can play with the Bedroom door by changing 'LOCKED' to 'UNLOCKED'


Here is a sample commands helpfile.

WHEREAMI : Player Position USE [] ON [] : USE [item] ON [item] MOVETO : Moveto [room] INV : Player Inventory RINV : Room Inventory QUIT : Exit game ? or HELP : Help Commands

Here is the main game script.

#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.14.1; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Class::Struct; use threads; use threads::shared; use Time::HiRes qw( time ); use player qw(:ALL); use gameroom qw(:ALL); $|=1; use constant { ## ROOMS ## MAIN_MENU => 0, BEDROOM_MENU => 1, HALLWAY_MENU => 2, LAB_MENU => 3, CONTROL_ROOM_MENU => 4, ## DATA ## DATAFILE => 'savegamefile.txt', STORYLINE => '__storyline.txt', GAMEROOMS => '__game_rooms.txt', COMMANDS => '__commands.txt' ## need error checking on + file }; my $__CURRENT_PLAYER = undef; my $__USER_INPUT_LINE = undef; my %__ROOMS_hash; ##Store room name with class ref as value. my %__MENUS_hash = ( MAIN_MENU => <<'END_MAIN', ########################################################### MARTIAN MYSTERY VERSION 1.0 FRAMEWORK CREATOR: VINCENT K STORYLINE BY : TYLER BURROWS ########################################################### MAIN MENU 1:.................................................NEW GAME 2:................................................LOAD GAME 3:................................................QUIT GAME ########################################################### PLEASE CHOOSE FROM THE MENU END_MAIN LAB_MENU => <<'END_LAB', ########################################################### SAMPLE MENU ########################################################### LAB MENU 1:.................................................NEW GAME 2:................................................LOAD GAME 3:................................................QUIT GAME ########################################################### PLEASE CHOOSE FROM THE MENU END_LAB ); sub start_screen(); # Display game splash screen. sub init(); # Initialize starting game values + sub display_menu($); # Display a menu sub display_rooms_for_testing($); # Testing sub for displaying cont +ents of loaded rooms sub display_room_connections($); # Testing sub for dispalying rooms + and their connections # to other rooms. sub create_new_player(); # Create a new player object sub load_game_rooms(); # Load game rooms from a data file sub main_game_loop(); # Main game loop. This will loop unil + the script is exited # This is set to allow procssing of data while + waiting # on user input from <STDIN> sub read_stdin(); # Read <STDIN> from game_loop sub load_game_storyline(); # Load game storyline dialog sub display_cursor($); # Dislay main cursor sub display_game_output($); # Main sub for outputting print fro +m various sub's sub process_user_command($); # Process user command and execute + appropriate sub's sub apply_game_rules(); # Apply game rules. Part of main_ga +me_loop. On each cycle # game rules are evaluated to see what the play +er status # in the game is sub display_player_inventory(); # Display player inventory sub display_room_inventory(); # Display room inventory - more o +f a testing function sub display_player_position(); # Display player room position sub drop_item($); # Player drops an item sub pickup_item($); # Player picks an item up sub use_item($); # Player uses an item sub look($); # Player looks around or reads something sub move($); # Player moves ###################################################################### +###### ########################### MAIN ######################## +###### ###################################################################### +###### my $user_choice = start_screen(); if ($user_choice == 1) { ## New game init(); } elsif ($user_choice == 2) { ## Load saved game init(); #load_saved_player_data_file(); } else { ## Quit game. print "\n\n"; exit(0); } ## uncomment next lines for testing ##display_rooms_for_testing(\%__ROOMS_hash); ##display_room_connections(\%__ROOMS_hash); ## main game loop, will run until exited.. main_game_loop(); print "\n\n"; exit(0); ###################################################################### +###### ########################### SUBROUTINES ######################## +###### ###################################################################### +###### sub load_game_storyline() { print "\n\n\t ** Loading Storyline **\n"; open( my $STORYLINE_FH, "<", STORYLINE ) || die "Can't open STORYL +INE: $!"; <$STORYLINE_FH>; # skip file header while(<$STORYLINE_FH>) { chomp; } close($STORYLINE_FH); } sub display_cursor($) { my $mode = shift; my ($user, $system, $child_user, $child_system) = times; printf("%s\t<Clock %.2f type 'help' for commands>:", $mode,$user); } sub print_storyline_dialog() { } sub start_screen() { my $user_choice; do { # Clear the screen for the next menu system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear'); display_menu('MAIN_MENU'); print "\n\n"; display_cursor("\n"); chomp( $user_choice = <> ); } until ($user_choice eq '1' || $user_choice eq '2' || $user_choic +e eq '3'); return $user_choice; } sub init() { # Clear the screen for the next menu system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear'); # Load game rooms load_game_rooms(); # Load game storyline load_game_storyline(); # Create new game player return create_new_player(); } sub display_menu($) { my $menu_no = shift; print $__MENUS_hash{$menu_no}; } sub display_rooms_for_testing($) { my $hashref = shift; my %ROOMS_hash = %{$hashref}; print "\n\n\t ** TEST DISPLAY OF ROOM CONTENTS ** \n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %ROOMS_hash) { print "\n\tRoom is : $key\n"; print "\t",'#'x30,"\n"; my $curr_room_ref = $ROOMS_hash{$key}; my $curr_rm_items = $curr_room_ref->getRoomInventoryItems; while( my( $key, $value ) = each %{$curr_rm_items} ) { print "\t\t$key: qty $value\n"; } print "\t\t",'-'x30,"\n"; my $curr_rm_use_items = $curr_room_ref->getRoomUseItems; while( my( $key, $value ) = each %{$curr_rm_use_items} ) { print "\t\t$key: qty $value\n"; } } } sub display_room_connections($) { my $hashref = shift; my %ROOMS_hash = %{$hashref}; print "\n\n\t ** TEST DISPLAY OF ROOM CONNECTIONS ** \n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %ROOMS_hash) { print "\n\tRoom is : $key\n"; print "\t",'#'x30,"\n"; my $curr_room_ref = $ROOMS_hash{$key}; my $curr_rm_connections = $curr_room_ref->getRoomConnections; while( my( $key, $value ) = each %{$curr_rm_connections} ) { print "\t\tRoom: $key: State :@{$value}[0] Key: @{$value}[ +1]\n"; } print "\t\t",'-'x30,"\n"; } } sub create_new_player() { $__CURRENT_PLAYER = player->new(); $__CURRENT_PLAYER->updatePlayerName("CRISPIN"); $__CURRENT_PLAYER->updateitemPlayerInventory("EMPTY",0); $__CURRENT_PLAYER->setPlayerPosition("BEDROOM"); } sub load_game_rooms() { print "\t ** Loading Rooms **\n"; open( my $GAMEROOM_FH, "<", GAMEROOMS ) || die "Can't open GAMEROO +MS: $!"; <$GAMEROOM_FH>; # skip file header while(<$GAMEROOM_FH>) { chomp; next if ($_ eq "" || $_ !~ /\S+/); my @roomline = split(/\#/,$_) if ($_ =~ m/\#/) || die "Mal +formed room line at ".GAMEROOMS."$!"; my @room_inventory_items = split(/\,/,$roomline[1]) if ($# +roomline > 0); my @room_use_items = split(/\,/,$roomline[2]) if ($#roomli +ne > 1); my @room_connections = split(/\,/,$roomline[3]) if ($#room +line > 2); die "Duplicate Room name at ".GAMEROOMS."$!" if (exists $_ +_ROOMS_hash{$roomline[0]}); my $new_room = gameroom->new(); $new_room->updateRoomName($roomline[0]); ## Load room items if ($#room_inventory_items > -1) { foreach my $item (@room_inventory_items) { die "Quantity of item missing from item at".GA +MEROOMS."$!" if ($item !~ m/\~/); my @temp = split(/\~/,$item); # item , qty $new_room->updateRoomInventoryItems($temp[0],$ +temp[1]); } } else { $new_room->updateRoomInventoryItems("EMPTY",0); } ## Load room use items if ($#room_use_items > -1) { foreach my $item (@room_use_items) { die "Quantity of item missing from item at".GA +MEROOMS."$!" if ($item !~ m/\~/); my @temp = split(/\~/,$item); # item , qty + $new_room->updateRoomUseItems($temp[0],$temp[1 +]); } } else { $new_room->updateRoomUseItems("EMPTY",0); } ## Load room connections if ($#room_connections > -1) { foreach my $item (@room_connections) { die "Connections missing from item at".GAMEROO +MS."$!" if ($item !~ m/\~/); my @room_connections = split(/\,/,$item); foreach my $current_conn (@room_connections) { my @room_conn_items = split(/\~/,$current_ +conn); my $room_name = "NONE"; my $room_locked_state = "NONE"; my $room_key_item = "NONE"; die "BAD room connection" unless defined($ +room_conn_items[0]); $room_name = $room_conn_items[0]; $room_locked_state = $room_conn_items[1] i +f defined($room_conn_items[1]); $room_key_item = $room_conn_items[2] if de +fined($room_conn_items[2]); $new_room->updateRoomConnections($room_nam +e,$room_locked_state,$room_key_item); } } } else { $new_room->updateRoomConnections("NONE","NONE","NO +NE"); } ## Store room in its entirety $__ROOMS_hash{$roomline[0]} = $new_room; print "\t\tRoom ".lc($roomline[0]),'.'x10; sleep 1; print "Loaded\n"; } close($GAMEROOM_FH); } sub main_game_loop() { no warnings; share($__USER_INPUT_LINE); my $thr = threads->create(\&read_stdin); display_cursor("\n"); while(1) { if ($__USER_INPUT_LINE ne "") { lock($__USER_INPUT_LINE); chomp $__USER_INPUT_LINE; ##print "parent process $__USER_INPUT_LINE\n"; last if ($__USER_INPUT_LINE eq "quit"); ## process command ## process_user_command($__USER_INPUT_LINE); ##$__USER_INPUT_LINE = apply_game_rules(); $__USER_INPUT_LINE = ""; display_cursor("\n"); } else { ## While waiting for input, process game rules. ## Example ## last if (apply_game_rules() eq "win") } } my $res = $thr->join(); } sub read_stdin() { while (<STDIN>) { lock($__USER_INPUT_LINE); $__USER_INPUT_LINE = $_; chomp $__USER_INPUT_LINE; display_cursor("\n"); ##print "child read in: $_\n"; return if ( $__USER_INPUT_LINE eq "quit"); } } sub process_user_command($) { my @commands = split(/\ /,$_[0]); if (uc($commands[0]) eq "DROP") { ## drop item drop_item(uc($commands[1])); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "WHEREAMI" ) { ## print room in which player resides display_player_position(); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "PICKUP" ) { ## pick up item pickup_item(uc($commands[1])); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "MOVETO" ) { ## move player to another room move(uc($commands[1])); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "LOOK" ) { ## look around the room or at an object if ( defined $commands[1] ) { look(uc($commands[1])); } else { look(""); } } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "INV" ) { ## print user inventory display_player_inventory(); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "RINV-TESTING" ) { ## print room inventory display_room_inventory(); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "USE" ) { ## use item ,format use [item] on [item] use_item($_[0]); } elsif ( uc($commands[0]) eq "?" || uc($commands[0]) eq "HELP") { ## display commands for player print "\n\n\t ** COMMANDS ** \n"; print "\t",'#'x30,"\n"; system("type ".COMMANDS); ## Need a check here } else { display_game_output("\n\t\tWhat?"); } } sub apply_game_rules() { my $curr_items = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerInventory; my %items = %{$curr_items}; if ( exists $items{"KEYCARD"} && $items{"KEYCARD"} == 2 ) { # say win display_game_output("\n\t\t ** You win!! **"); return "win"; } } sub display_player_inventory() { my $curr_items = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerInventory; my %items = %{$curr_items}; print "\n\n\t == Player [".$__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerName."] Inv +entory ==\n"; print "\t",'#'x30,"\n"; if (keys %items == 0) { print "\t\t** YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY ITEMS **\n"; } else { while( my( $key, $value ) = each %items ) { print "\t\t$key: qty $value\n";##if ($value > 0 && $key ne + "EMPTY"); } } print "\t\t",'-'x30,"\n"; } sub display_room_inventory() { my $current_room = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerPosition(); my $curr_room_ref = $__ROOMS_hash{$current_room}; my $curr_rm_items = $curr_room_ref->getRoomInventoryItems; my %room_items = %{$curr_rm_items}; print "\n\n\t == Room [$current_room] Inventory ==\n"; print "\t",'#'x30,"\n"; if (keys %room_items == 0) { print "\t\t ** ROOM IS EMPTY ** \n"; } else { while( my( $key, $value ) = each %room_items ) { print "\t\t$key: qty $value\n";## if ($value > 0 && $key n +e "EMPTY"); } } print "\t\t",'-'x30,"\n"; } sub drop_item($) { my $_DROP_ITEM = uc(shift); my $curr_items = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerInventory; my %items = %{$curr_items}; if ( exists $items{uc($_DROP_ITEM)} && $items{uc($_DROP_ITEM)} > 0 + ) { my $count = $items{uc($_DROP_ITEM)}; display_game_output("Dropped item : $_DROP_ITEM"); ## Remove item from player inventory $__CURRENT_PLAYER->updateitemPlayerInventory(uc($_DROP_ITE +M),$count-1); ## Add item to current room inventory my $current_room = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerPosition(); my $curr_room_ref = $__ROOMS_hash{$current_room}; my $curr_rm_items = $curr_room_ref->getRoomInventoryItems; my %room_items = %{$curr_rm_items}; my $curr_rm_item_count = 1; if (exists $room_items{uc($_DROP_ITEM )} ) { $curr_rm_item_count = $room_items{uc($_DROP_ITEM )} + +1; } $curr_room_ref->updateRoomInventoryItems(uc($_DROP_ITEM),$ +curr_rm_item_count); } else { display_game_output("You do not have item : $_DROP_ITEM"); } } sub pickup_item($) { my $_PICKUP_ITEM = uc(shift); my $current_room = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerPosition(); my $curr_room_ref = $__ROOMS_hash{$current_room}; my $curr_rm_items = $curr_room_ref->getRoomInventoryItems; my %room_items = %{$curr_rm_items}; if ( exists $room_items{uc($_PICKUP_ITEM)} && $room_items{uc($_PIC +KUP_ITEM)} > 0 ) { my $count = $room_items{uc($_PICKUP_ITEM)}; display_game_output("Picked up item : $_PICKUP_ITEM"); ## Remove item from room inventory $curr_room_ref->updateRoomInventoryItems(uc($_PICKUP_ITEM) +,$count-1); ## Add item to player inventory my $curr_player_item_count = 1; my $curr_items = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerInventory; my %items = %{$curr_items}; if (exists $items{uc($_PICKUP_ITEM)} ) { $curr_player_item_count = $items{uc($_PICKUP_ITEM)} + +1; } $__CURRENT_PLAYER->updateitemPlayerInventory(uc($_PICKUP_I +TEM),$curr_player_item_count); } else { display_game_output("Room does not contain item : $_PICKUP_ITE +M"); } } sub look($) { display_game_output("Cannot yet look"); } sub move($) { my $_ROOM_DIRECTION = uc(shift); # Get exits for current room my $current_room = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerPosition(); my $curr_room_ref = $__ROOMS_hash{$current_room}; my $curr_rm_connections = $curr_room_ref->getRoomConnections; my %room_connections = %{$curr_rm_connections}; if ( exists $room_connections{uc($_ROOM_DIRECTION)} ) { my $exit_state = $room_connections{uc($_ROOM_DIRECTION)}; my $locked_state = @{$exit_state}[0]; my $key_item = @{$exit_state}[1]; ## Is exit locked if (uc($locked_state) eq "LOCKED") { display_game_output("Cannot move to : $_ROOM_DIRECTION"); display_game_output("The door is locked."); } ## If not move to new room else { $__CURRENT_PLAYER->setPlayerPosition("$_ROOM_DIRECTION"); display_game_output("Moved to : $_ROOM_DIRECTION"); } } else { display_game_output("Cannot move to : $_ROOM_DIRECTION"); } } sub display_player_position() { display_game_output("You are in the ". $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlaye +rPosition() ); } sub use_item($) { my @use_line = split(/\ /,$_[0]); my $_USE_ITEM = undef; my $_USE_ITEM_ON =undef; ## format use [item] on [item] ## validate use commmand if (uc($use_line[0]) eq "USE" && uc($use_line[2]) eq "ON") { $_USE_ITEM = $use_line[1] if defined($use_line[1]); $_USE_ITEM_ON = $use_line[3] if defined($use_line[3]); if ( defined($_USE_ITEM) && defined($_USE_ITEM_ON) ) { ## make sure player has item my $curr_items = $__CURRENT_PLAYER->getPlayerInventory +; my %items = %{$curr_items}; if ( exists $items{uc($_USE_ITEM)} && $items{uc($_USE_ +ITEM)} > 0 ) { ## make sure item can be used in correct context display_game_output(" ** NEED TO Flesh this out ** + "); } else { display_game_output("You do not have item : $_USE_ +ITEM"); } } else { display_game_output("Cannot use that item in the given con +text"); } } else { display_game_output("Cannot use that item in the given context +"); } } sub display_game_output($) { my $text = shift; print "\n\t\t".$text."\n"; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Text Based Perl Game
by roboticus (Chancellor) on Dec 27, 2013 at 00:03 UTC


    A couple suggestions:

    1. For and, you're allowing the export of the method names, but the method names don't need to be exported. If they were class and/or utility functions (i.e. functions not needing an object reference) then I can see where exporting the name can be useful. But I don't see any value to exporting these method names.
    2. In the main game script, you're using subroutine prototypes, but they're not helpful in these cases. You may want to review the prototypes section of perldoc perlsub.

    Otherwise, it looks pretty good.


    When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

      I appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

      I will keep item no. one in mind going forward. As for item no. two, I had a feeling someone was going to point that out. I am so used to having forward declarations, that it kind of looks wrong to me if I don't have them in place. I do understand your point though.

      Thanks again.

        Short version: Don't use prototypes.

        Less short version: No, Really, Don't use prototypes.

        Long version: Prototypes (almost always) don't do what you want or what you think. Most people who use prototypes frequently come from a C or C++ background and they have carried over their function declaration habits to Perl without noticing that there are almost none of the type checking benefits and several subtle traps. So, don't do that.

        True laziness is hard work
Re^2: Text Based Perl Game
by zentara (Archbishop) on Dec 26, 2013 at 18:58 UTC

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