Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, i have put together a working version of the pong game, where two paddles play the ball to each other, using the SDL module. I have found this code in a manual and everything seems fine. There is just one problem: the paddles, that move only vertically, are faster moving up then moving downwards, while they are given the same speed. This is where it happens:

$app->add_event_handler(sub { my $event= shift; if($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN){ if($event-> key_sym == SDLK_UP){ $player1->{v_y} = -2; } elsif($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN){ + $player1->{v_y} = 2; } } elsif($event->type == SDL_KEYUP){ if($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN || $event->key_sym == SDL +K_UP){ $player1->{v_y} = 0; } } });

This code looks alright to me. I have added the entire code so you can see for yourself, it's slower when moving down. I hate to solve this problem with given different speeds. Hope you can help.

use strict; use warnings; use SDL; use SDLx::App; use SDL::Events; use SDLx::Rect; use SDLx::Text; my $app = SDLx::App->new(w =>500,h=>500,t=>"Pong",exit_on_quit=>1,dt=> +0.02); my $player1={paddle=>SDLx::Rect->new(10,$app->h/2,10,40),v_y=>0,score= +>0}; my $player2={paddle=>SDLx::Rect->new($app->w-20,$app->h/2,10,40),v_y=> +0,score=>0}; my $ball = {rect => SDLx::Rect->new($app->w / 2, $app->h / 2, 10, 10), +v_x=>-3,v_y=>1.5}; my $score = SDLx::Text->new(x=>240); $app->add_show_handler(sub{ $app->draw_rect([0,0,$app->w,$app->h],[0,0,0,0]); $app->draw_rect($ball->{rect},[255,0,0,0]); $app->draw_rect($player1->{paddle},[255,0,0,0]); $app->draw_rect($player2->{paddle},[255,0,0,0]); $score->write_to($app,$player1->{score}.'x'.$player2->{score}); $app->update; }); $app->add_move_handler(sub { my $step = shift; my $paddle = $player1->{paddle}; my $v_y = $player1->{v_y}; $paddle->y($paddle->y + ($step * $v_y)); if($paddle->y >= $app->h){ $paddle->y(0); } elsif($paddle->y + 40 <= 0){ $paddle->y(500); } }); $app->add_move_handler(sub { my $step = shift; my $paddle = $player2->{paddle}; my $v_y = $player2->{v_y}; if($ball->{rect}->y > $paddle->y){ $v_y = 2; } elsif($ball->{rect}->y < $paddle->y){ $v_y = -2; } else{ $v_y = 0; } $paddle->y($paddle->y + ($step * $v_y)); }); $app->add_move_handler(sub{ my $step = shift; my $ball_rect = $ball->{rect}; $ball_rect->x( $ball_rect->x + ($ball->{v_x} * $step) ); $ball_rect->y( $ball_rect->y + ($ball->{v_y} * $step) ); if($ball_rect->bottom >= $app->h){ $ball_rect->bottom($app->h); $ball->{v_y}*=-1; } elsif($ball_rect->top<=0){ $ball_rect->top(0); $ball->{v_y}*=-1; } elsif($ball_rect->right>=$app->w){ $player1->{score}++; reset_game(); return } elsif($ball_rect->left<=0){ $player2->{score}++; reset_game(); return; } elsif(check_collision($ball_rect,$player1->{paddle})){ $ball_rect->left($player1->{paddle}->right); $ball->{v_x} *= -1; } elsif(check_collision($ball_rect,$player2->{paddle})){ $ball_rect->right($player2->{paddle}->left); $ball->{v_x} *= -1; } }); $app->add_event_handler(sub { my $event= shift; if($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN){ if($event-> key_sym == SDLK_UP){ $player1->{v_y} = -2; } elsif($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN){ + $player1->{v_y} = 2; } } elsif($event->type == SDL_KEYUP){ if($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN || $event->key_sym == SDL +K_UP){ $player1->{v_y} = 0; } } }); $app->run; sub check_collision{ my($A,$B) = @_; return if $A->bottom < $B->top; return if $A->top > $B->bottom; return if $A->right < $B->left; return if $A->left > $B->right; return 1; } sub reset_game{ $player1->{paddle}->y($app->h/2); $player2->{paddle}->y($app->h/2); $ball->{rect}->x($app->w/2); $ball->{rect}->y($app->h/2); $ball->{v_x} = (4 + rand(2)) * (rand (2) > 1 ? 1 : -1); $ball->{v_y} = (1.5 + rand(1)) * (rand (2) > 1 ? 1 : -1); }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: pong paddles are not going equally fast
by bliako (Monsignor) on Jul 23, 2020 at 08:10 UTC

    New paddle position also depends on $step which is the time slice.

    When you press UP-arrow this checks only the 1st condition. When you press DOWN-arrow it checks both conditions. Could that be affecting $step? Ideally no but try print $step and see.

    if($event-> key_sym == SDLK_UP){ $player1->{v_y} = -2; } elsif($event->key_sym == SDLK_DOWN){ + $player1->{v_y} = 2; }

    bw, bliako

      > Could that be affecting $step?

      Can be easily tested by swapping the conditions.

      map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
Re: pong paddles are not going equally fast
by kcott (Archbishop) on Jul 23, 2020 at 11:16 UTC

    [Disclaimer: I am not a user of SDL and I do not have it installed. The following is untested guesswork (actually, perl -c says "syntax OK", but untested beyond that).]

    After looking at your posted code, I had a similar thought to what ++bliako wrote.

    I can see that you've copied the code from "[PDF] SDL::Manual": a visual inspection shows no problems there.

    Try replacing this entire call:

    $app->add_event_handler(sub { ... });


    { my %paddle_move; my $key_joiner; BEGIN { $key_joiner = '~'; %paddle_move = ( SDL_KEYDOWN . $key_joiner . SDLK_UP, -2, SDL_KEYDOWN . $key_joiner . SDLK_DOWN, 2, SDL_KEYUP . $key_joiner . SDLK_UP, 0, SDL_KEYUP . $key_joiner . SDLK_DOWN, 0, ); } $app->add_event_handler(sub { my $event = shift; my $paddle_key = $event->type . $key_joiner . $event->key_sym; if (exists $paddle_move{$paddle_key}) { $player1->{v_y} = $paddle_move{$paddle_key}; } }); }

    That will set up all of the possible values for $player1->{v_y} once, at compile time. Assigning those values now only requires a single if condition, instead of the multiple if and elsif conditions you currently have.

    — Ken

Re: pong paddles are not going equally fast
by perlfan (Vicar) on Jul 22, 2020 at 17:25 UTC
    Sounds like faulty coordinate math.

      Yes, but which part? I have gone over the entire code at least a dozen times but cannot find anything.