in reply to Array from list in input file?

Sounds like a dang fine approach to me.

use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; my $minimum = 100; # The threshold. while(<DATA>) { # Read it my ($str, undef, $nr) = split / /; # Split it say $str if $nr >= $minimum; # Say it } __DATA__ Too low 1 Also nope 2 Just fine 100 Not there 3 Hidden hideaway 4 Another one 101 Hiding quierly 5 Also no 6 Perl rocks! 102 Again no 7 Nope nopenope 8 Hacker hackityhack 103 Cracker crackitycrack 9 Hater hatitiyhate 10
Just Another Perl Hacker

It even works, too!