thiagu_mvt has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to write a reusable object oriented class for using IPC::Open3 module.
I have couple of problems in dealing with File handles. Can you guys review the code and suggest where it is going wrong or how it can be better ?

Issues need to resolve
1)Want to check whether input filehandle is ready to receive input(current WNOHANG is not helpful when command supplied runs for long time)
2)Issues with output and error file handles in returning buffer text. -------------- use Task; my $obj = Task->new("cat","-t"); my $obj = Task->new("sleep 50"); $obj->start(); if($obj->canSendInput) { print $obj->sendInput("Practical Extraction Report Language\n" +, "Visual C plus plus"); } print "\noutput1:" . $obj->getOutput(); print "\nError:" . $obj->getError(); print "\n"; $obj->stop(); print $obj->sendInput("Second Input"); [thiagu@host1 ~/exe_abs]$ ./ Filehandle GEN0 opened only for output at line 89. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at l +ine 118. 1 Filehandle GEN0 opened only for output at line 89. output1: Error: ---------------- package Task; use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Select; use IO::Handle; use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h); #Creating Object sub new { my($class, $cmd, @args) = @_; return bless({ cmd => $cmd, args => \@args, pid => undef, stdout => "", stderr => "", }, $class); } #Running the command with arguments supplied and opening file handles +for inout, output and error sub start { my $self = shift; my $cmd_to_exe = "$self->{cmd} "."@{$self->{args}}"; # Reading both output and error filehandles sametime $self->{'selector'} = IO::Select->new(); $self->{inputfh} = IO::Handle->new(); $self->{outputfh} = IO::Handle->new(); $self->{errorfh} = IO::Handle->new(); { $self->{pid} = open3($self->{inputfh}, $self->{outputfh}, $sel +f->{errorfh}, $cmd_to_exe); $self->{'selector'}->add($self->{inputfh}, $self->{outputfh}, +$self->{errorfh} ); #print $self->{pid}; return (1); } } sub canSendInput { my $self = shift; my $pid = waitpid($self->{pid}, WNOHANG); #print $pid; #return $pid; ($pid==0)?return(1):return(0); } #Sending input to command by printing in the input file handler sub sendInput { my $self = shift; my @input = @_; if(canSendInput($self)) { my $kid = waitpid($self->{pid}, WNOHANG); foreach my $input(@input) { (print {$self->{inputfh}} "$input") or return (0); return (1); } } } #Retriving output of the command executed for the last input sub getOutput { my $self = shift; my $errCall = shift; my $outputfh = $self->{outputfh}; my $errorfh = $self->{errorfh}; my $output = ""; my $error = ""; my @ready = $self->{selector}->can_read(1); foreach my $fh ( @ready ) { while(sysread($fh, my $text, 1024)) + #Reading 1024 bytes in every iteration { if(fileno($fh) == fileno($outputfh)) { $output.= $text; #print $text; last if(length($text) < 1024); } else { $error.= $text; #print $text; last if(length($text) < 1024); } } } #Returning only Error when getOutput is called from getError() and sav +ing output text into object so we can use it later if($errCall) { $self->{stdout} = $output; $error.=$self->{stderr}; # Updating errors which are not returne +d so far $self->{stderr} = ""; return $error; } #Returning only Output when getOutput is called directly after saving +error text into object so we can use it later else{ $self->{stderr} = $error; $output.=$self->{output}; # Updating output which are not returne +d so far $self->{stdout}=""; return $output; } } #Retriving error sub getError { my $self = shift; my $error = getOutput($self, 1); return $error; } sub stop { my $self = shift; if( defined( $self->{'selector'} ) ) { $self->{'selector'}->remove( $self->{inputfh}, $self->{outputf +h}, $self->{errorfh} ); } local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; kill INT => -$$; } #Destructor sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; &stop; } 1;

Thanks, Thiagu