Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I've exhausted my knowledge! Why does the first assignment to pkg1 work and the second assignment to the variable (pvar) not?

note that the "+++" print shows that pvar is the variable pkg2::VAR. i just can't assign to it.

I thought i could have a "simple" variable represent the ${ $var . "::VAR" } construct. thanks

:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: package pkgs; use strict; our $VAR="XXX"; package pkg1; our $VAR="YYY"; package pkg2; our $VAR="ZZZ"; 1; :::::::::::::: #!/tool/pandora/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use pkgs; print "\n"; print "pkgs = ", $pkgs::VAR, "\n"; print "pkg1 = ", $pkg1::VAR, "\n"; print "pkg2 = ", $pkg2::VAR, "\n"; print "\n"; no strict "refs"; $pkgs::VAR = "00"; my $name = "pkg1"; ${ $name . "::VAR" } = 11; $name = "pkg2"; my $pvar = ${ $name . "::VAR" }; print "+++ $pvar\n"; $pvar = 22;print "pkgs = ", $pkgs::VAR, "\n"; print "pkg1 = ", $pkg1::VAR, "\n"; print "pkg2 = ", $pkg2::VAR, "\n"; print "\n"; use strict "refs";