in reply to CGI File Upload Problems

The following:
use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; my $q = CGI->new(); print $q->header(), $q->start_html("File Upload Example"); # Start a multipart form. print $q->start_multipart_form(), "Enter the file to process: ", $q->filefield('filename','',25), $q->br, $q->reset, $q->submit('submit','Process File'), $q->endform; # Process the form if there is a file name entered if (my $file = $q->upload('filename')) { my $tmpfile=$q->tmpFileName($file); my $txt; while (<$file>) { $txt .= $_; } close($file); print $q->hr(), $q->h2($file), $q->h3($tmpfile), $q->p, $txt; } print $q->hr(), $q->end_html;
works for me, even for files that have a comma or & in their names. Does this also exhibit a problem for you? Perhaps there's something going wrong at the stage of writing to the local file?