in reply to Perl CGI question

I had a flat file that looked like "country:region" This is how I made a pull down with all of those countries -- it's old and a little ugly, but it works and I didn't use anything special to build it. (I was limited to the mods I could use when I wrote this way back when).
sub generateAllCountries{ my (@all_countries, $HTML_String); open(FILE, "<") or die "I cannot read the file"; while(<FILE>){ if(/(.*):(.*)/i) { push @all_countries, $1; } } my $HTML_String = "\t" . '<select name = "country"> <option name="country" value="">-- Select a Country --</option +>'; for(my $i = 0; $i < $#all_countries; $i++){ $HTML_String .= "\t\t" . '<option value = "' . $all_countries +[$i] . '">' . $all_countries[$i] . "</option>\n"; } $HTML_String .= "\t</select>"; return $HTML_String; } # sub generateAllCountries