in reply to Parsing a file one line at a time


Actually you only need to do this:

open(FILE1, $ARGV[0]) || die "Error: $!\n"; @lines = <FILE1>;
This evaluated <FILE1> in list-context, and thus the whole file will be put in the @lines-array, one entry per line (or whatever you have assigned to $/)

So then, why didn't your code work as you expected ? Well - the line

@lines = $_;
assigns the variable $_ to the array @lines. You are declaring the contents of @lines each and every time through that loop. It's almost the same with variables:
$foo = $_;
this also redeclares the contents of $foo every time it is evaluated. With scalars we usually use the . (dot) operator or string concat. operator to avoid redeclaring its content:
$foo .= $_;
$foo = $foo . $_;
So, with arrays we have something similar:
push @lines, $_;
That will add to @lines instead of redeclaring its contents.
