in reply to TMTOWTDI the new year!


# ASCII specific print"SQQS"^"aaaa" #23456789012345678 # 1

update: If we don't care about strict we can do:

print+SQQS^aaaa #23456789012345 # 1

Not golfing:

use LWP::Simple; print get("!") =~ /printing "(\d+)"/; # or print y/a// for qw(aa bb bb aa); # or

update: Oops. I didn't type kill in here orginally:

print kill($$-$$,@$_) for [$$,$$], [], [], [$$,$$]; # or use Fcntl qw(:seek); print SEEK_END, SEEK_SET, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END; # or $_ = "weirdness"; print y ueuu, y fuff, y sfss, y esee;