in reply to Using CGI::Ajax for multiple form buttons/divs simultaneously

I would like to add functionality to a separate button(s)/AJAX call that would come from a different form input, be associated to a separate Perl function, and direct its output to a different div

It's difficult to understand what you mean without a complete script so maybe this simple example will help.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI::Ajax; use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI(); my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'function1' => \&myfunction1, 'function2' => \&myfunction2, # 'skip_header' => 1 ); print $pjx->build_html($cgi,\&main, {-charset=>'UTF-8', -expires=>'-1d'}); sub main { my $html = <<EOT; <HTML> <HEAD><title>CGI::Ajax Example</title></HEAD> <BODY> <div id="div1_text">Number = </div> <div id="div2_text">Letter = </div> <select id="select1" onchange="function1(['select1'],['div1_text'], +'POST'); "> <option value="">Select Number</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select> <select id="select2" onchange="function2(['select2'],['div2_text'], +'POST'); "> <option value="">Select Letter</option> <option value="A">A</option> <option value="B">B</option> <option value="C">C</option> </select> </BODY> </HTML> EOT return $html; } sub myfunction1 { return "Number = ".shift }; sub myfunction2 { return "Letter = ".shift };