nysus has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

In the following piece of markdown text, I want to replace the spaces with a hyphen and also make the link absolute with a slash in front. So I want to go from:

blah blah [click me](click me) more stuff blah [link here](link here) blah blah ...


blah blah [click me](/click-me) more stuff blah [link here](/link-here) blah blah ...

So this is as far as I got and I'm stymied:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $text = "blah blah [click me](click me) more stuff\nblah [link here +](link here) blah blah"; $text =~ s/(\[[^]]+]\()/$1\//g; # make links absolute $text =~ /(\[[^]]+]\(\/)([^\)]+)/; my $part1 = $1; my $part2 = $2; my $orig_part2 = $part2; $part2 =~ s/ /-/g; $text =~ s/\Q$part1$orig_part2\E/$part1$part2/g;

The obvious problem with this code is that only the first link gets the space replaced:

blah blah [click me](/click-me) more stuff blah [link here](/link here) blah blah

I'm drawing a blank on how I might loop through all matches to links and modify those matches. Or maybe there is an entirely better way of pulling this off. Thanks!


OK, I noodled around with this some more. On a lark, I tried a "global" match (which I didn't know existed outside substitution), and came up with this:

my $text = "blah blah [click me](click me) more stuff\nblah [link here +](link here) blah blah"; $text =~ s/(\[[^]]+]\()/$1\//g; # make links absolute my @matches = $text =~ /(\[[^]]+]\(\/)([^\)]+)/g; while (@matches) { my $part1 = shift @matches; my $part2 = shift @matches; my $orig_part2 = $part2; $part2 =~ s/ /-/g; $text =~ s/\Q$part1$orig_part2\E/$part1$part2/g; }

Though it seems to work, I have a hunch this isn't ideal.

$PM = "Perl Monk's";
$MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
$nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
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