likbez has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I would like to avoid qualification with package name a variable that I use in many modules in many situations. For example, variable debug.

Looks like I can't use our declaration for this purpose (see below) Does any other mechanism exist?

Also question about 'export" behavior". If I export variable debug from module A does it became "normal variable" in main:: so that I can use it in module B? what will happen if I export it from module b as well ? It should bind it to the same variable, right?

Can anybody enlighten me about this behavior? BTW does Perl have a system variable "debug" that is global and does not need qualification with the package name?

For example, if I created module it compiles OK, but produces a run time error because Perl assumes that our debug is $example::debug not $main::debug

May be our behavior can be generalized to handle this case as well? Why we can't alias variables in other namespaces? Is not this an artificial restriction?

package example; use v5.10; use warnings; use strict 'subs'; use feature 'state'; require Exporter; our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); @ISA = qw(Exporter); $::debug=1; { our $debug; say "debug=$debug"; } $VERSION = '1.10'; 1; and the test script: <code> #!/usr/bin/perl #:: test of ours use v5.10; use warnings; use strict 'subs'; use feature 'state'; use lib '.'; use example; say "debug=$debug";
It complains that it is undefined:
[255] # perl <code> [0] # perl Use of uninitialized value $example::debug in concatenation (.) or str +ing at line 14. IN EXAMPLE: debug= debug=1