in reply to Newbie Question

When I installed Strawberry Perl on a Windows PC, the installer created folder, "C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin" and added that folder to Window's search path. You can put a copy of your Perl program in that folder. Then Windows will be able to find it when you type the name of your program in the CMD window.

(It works for me with Strawberry Perl 5.18.2)

Update: Yes, ww has very good points.

So, a better suggestion:

C:\>md MyPerlPrograms

(replace "MyPerlPrograms" with whatever you want.)

Then copy your programs there and run them as ww described.

(There are ways to add your own folders to the windows search path, the simplest being: C:\>PATH=C:\MyPerlPrograms;%PATH%. HOWEVER, that only sets it for the current CMD window. And once you dismiss that window, Windows will forget about it. To add it permanently requires updating the Windows Registry. There are far better places then here to ask about doing that.)