sam_bakki has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks

I have following code

use strict; use warnings; use File::Slurp; my $abc = 10; open (IN,'>c:/temp/text.bin'); binmode(IN); printf IN "%c", $abc; close (IN); write_file( 'c:/temp/text1.bin', pack ('C*',$abc) ) ;

I expect (Or i am not aware) that text1.bin and text.bin file content is same. When I open text.bin in the hex editor I see '0A' which is correct. I want to convert the perl scalar into binary values and store in a file. But text1.bin content is '0D 0A' which is not i want.

What is the pack format for printf's "%c" ?

Sorry, I could not find by myself. If you could enlighten me with some background documents, It would be a great help. Thank You.
P.S: I am new to bit manipulation in perl.

Thanks & Regards,
Bakkiaraj M
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