in reply to Deleting first and last TWO(2) lines of a text file

sed -e '1d;$d' < infile > outfile

A user level that continues to overstate my experience :-))

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Re^2: Deleting first and last lines of a text file
by vsmeruga (Acolyte) on May 16, 2014 at 10:43 UTC
    Hi I tried the below shell code. But it removed only first line. Thanks
    #!/bin/sh sed -e '1d;$d' /home/file_20140407.txt >>file_20140407_n.txt
      Works for me ...
      $ sed -e '1d;$d' jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/me +ssaging/saaj/soap/ > t $ diff jaxws/src/share/jaxws_classes/com/sun/xml/internal/messaging/sa +aj/soap/ t 1d0 < /* 45d43 < }
      Does your file have a newline as the last character ? You'll experience problems if not.

      A user level that continues to overstate my experience :-))
        I am not seeing any characters at the end of the line when I open in edit plus