in reply to Custom Module Work

It has to be said- what's wrong with HTML::Template or any other of the other excellent templatting modules on The problem of how to templatize HTML (and all the annoying underpinnings that go along with it) has been solved many times over and made freely available for your use.

-Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from doubletalk.

My Biz

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Re^2: Custom Module Work
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 06, 2005 at 19:02 UTC
    I've looked at HTML::Template but it seems too complex for my needs. It also doesnt seem to allow me to dynamically let me load perl modules and print the returned data into the template I need to code something powerful, but insanely simple. The program is to allow non tech savvy people write their web pages simpler

      Save yourself some time and use a module that's been *hammered* on thousands of production servers. What do your end users care what's under the hood? If you don't like the tag styles that HTML::Template provides, write an input filter.

      What happens when you decide you need caching? Or loops? Or conditionals? You *will* need them eventually. HTML::Template (and every other templatting system) does this stuff already.

      -Any sufficiently advanced technology is
      indistinguishable from doubletalk.

      My Biz