in reply to Searching directories for HTML title tags

I'd like to thank everyone who offered their input for my problem, I got everything working. And no, this wasn't for a class, it was a "busy-work" assignment for work that got handed down, I wanted to use PERL to both save time, and learn something new.

Here is my completed code:

use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use File::Find; use HTML::HeadParser; my $parser = new HTML::HeadParser; my @data; my $path = '/base/path'; &main; sub main { find(\&html_files, $path); open OUT, "+>filelist.html" || die "Can not write file"; print OUT '<html><head><title>File List</title></head><body><center>' +, "\n", '<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">', "\n"; foreach my $file(sort @data) { my $htmlPage = &fileRead("<$file"); $parser->parse($htmlPage); my $pageTitle = $parser->header('Title'); if ($pageTitle eq "") { $pageTitle = '&nbsp;'; } print OUT '<tr><td>', "\L$file\E", '</td><td>', $pageTitle +, '</td></tr>', "\n"; } print OUT '</table></body></html>'; close OUT; } sub html_files { push @data, $File::Find::name if /\.s?html?$/; push @data, $File::Find::name if /\.s?HTML?$/; push @data, $File::Find::name if /\.s?htm?$/; push @data, $File::Find::name if /\.s?HTM?$/; } sub fileRead { my ($file) = @_; my $dataIn = undef; open IN, $file || die "Can not open $file"; while (<IN>) { my $temp = $_; $dataIn = $dataIn.$temp; } close IN; return $dataIn; }

I'm sure Edison turned himself a lot of colors before he invented the lightbulb. - H.S.