in reply to Search for abcNUMBERdef, make it a variable, then do math?

Unless you need to store the values for later use, I'd do it this way:
use strict; use warnings; while(<DATA>) { if(/([\w\s]+:)\s([a-z]+)(\d+)\2/) { print "$1 ", sprintf("%5.2f\n",$3*0.4/100); } } __DATA__ Today: today408today Clicks: 34 Yesterday: yesterday555yesterday Clicks: 61 This Month: this11360this Clicks: 812 Last Month: last5350last Clicks: 454
which gives
Today: 1.63 Yesterday: 2.22 This Month: 45.44 Last Month: 21.40
Edited: Removed unnecessary extra colon in print (I had captured it already from the input) and inserted actual output generated - duh!

I'd like to be able to assign to an luser