baxy77bax has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I have an intriguing problem that looks like a travelling salesman problem but I want to see whether someone has a better solution. So what I have is an NxM matrix with both positive and negative numbers (ints):

NxM | b a --+------------------------- | 1 4 5 -1 9 ... | 0 3 0 17 -3 ... b>| 1 10 3 0 3 ... |-8 -3 2 1 -4 ... a>| 0 8 4 0 0 ...

My starting position is (a,a) = 0 My end position is (b,b) = 10

What Iam looking for is a path that has the highest total sum from aa > bb

pathA: left, up, left, left, up = 0+0+1+2+(-3)+10 = 10 pathB: left-slide + up-slide = 0+8+10 = 18 pathC: up-slide + left + up + left-slide+down = 0+3+0+17+3+10= 33 etc..

From the above it follows that I can slide or I can go by one position in any direction except the diagonal. Given a starting position (x - any random position) the task is to discover the value in the matrix (let say N=10, M=10) so that the number of moves (summing operations) from x to that position is the minimum possible and the total sum (summarized values) of the path is the maximum possible. In tha above example path C would be the best candidate but i haven't worked out all possible paths so I don't know. Is there a clever (meaning fast) way to compute this?

thank you