in reply to Re^4: Randomly biased, random numbers.
in thread Randomly biased, random numbers.

You more or less have it.
I haven't a clue how I'd go about it though :( (Offers?:)
For my standard consulting rate? ;-)

Basically, you want to take a uniform distribution between 0 and M, and map it to a non-uniform one between 0 and N, so that X+I < X+J when I < J. One way to do this is to generate a step-functionpiecewise linear function, then translate values through that step function. In Matlab, it looks something like this for a 10-step function:

fx = [0,cumsum(unifrnd(0,1,1,10))]; tmp=unifrnd(1,10,1,1e5); ix=floor(tmp); dx=rem(tmp,1); values = (fx(ix) + (fx(ix+1)-fx(ix)).*dx)./fx(end-1);
Using a spline would be more complicated, but would be smoother.