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I had to scan a bunch of paper documents (one image per page), and upload them all to a web site that would accept only one PDF file containing the whole set.

A few CPAN module can do this, but their man pages leave a lot to the imagination. After a dozen trial/error iterations, here's what worked for me, using PDF::Create (it's manual was much better than PDF::API2).

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use PDF::Create; my $pdf = new PDF::Create(filename=>"test.pdf",Author=>"Me"); my $psz = $pdf->get_page_size("Letter"); my $rt = $pdf->new_page( MediaBox => $psz ); for my $i (<*.jpg>) { my $im = $pdf->image($i); my $pg = $rt->new_page( MediaBox => $psz ); $pg->image( image => $im, xpos => 0, ypos => 0, xscale => $$psz[2] / $$im{width}, yscale => $$psz[3] / $$im{height} ); } $pdf->close;