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This is the command you use in the Chatterbox to block all messages from another monk. The full form is

/ignore SenderName
You can enter such a command in any text box where, if you typed any other text, it would go to the public Chatterbox.

Note that unlike /msg, /ignore parses on the first whitespace only, so you never need to put brackets around the monk name (although you may if you prefer). Example:

/ignore Mr. Muskrat
To see a list of the users you are currently ignoring, go to Ignored Users.

Undoing the effect of /ignore

The symmetric command to /ignore is /unignore. This removes the named monk from your ignore list.

As a convenient alternative, you can go to Ignored Users; next to each listed name will be a link which, by merely clicking on it, removes that person from your ignore list.

Further info is available in Using the Chatterbox: Private Messaging.

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