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The stupid question is the question not asked
gmpassos's user image
User since: Jul 23, 2002 at 03:56 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Oct 21, 2005 at 12:59 UTC (18 years ago)
Experience: 4757
Level:Priest (14)
Writeups: 600
Location:Brazil - Floripa
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 20:27 -03
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"Creativity is the expression of the liberty".
- G.M.P. -

"The perfection, by it self, is a defect".
- G.M.P. -

"The only real miracle in the world is simply the biggest of all, life".
- G.M.P. -

"Time is more than money, since the money machine exist, but the time machine..."
- G.M.P. -

"What is your product? Softwares, Web Sites, Design, Style? No, is creativity!"
- G.M.P. -

What make the "creativity" so important?

Because you need to make things different than the others! If you are making the same thing of every body, first, the competition will be bigger, and the race faster, second, you are not changing the world! She's the essence for inovation, "the new", and the world that humanity build.

Some Links:

HWX Project

A work of art of the nature (try to refresh):

<S‎CRIP‎T LANGUAGE="JavaS‎crip‎t"> function random() { var randomNumber = Math.random(); if (randomNumber >= 0 && randomNumber <= .2) { return 1 ;} if (randomNumber >= .2 && randomNumber <= .3){ return 2 ;} if (randomNumber >= .3 && randomNumber <= .4){ return 3 ;} if (randomNumber >= .4 && randomNumber <= .5){ return 4 ;} if (randomNumber >= .5 && randomNumber <=.6){ return 5 ;} if (randomNumber >= .6 && randomNumber <= .7){ return 6 ;} if (randomNumber >= .7 && randomNumber <=.8 ){ return 7 ;} if (randomNumber >= .8 && randomNumber <= 1 ){ return 8 ;} return 7 ; } document.write( "<img src=\""+ random() +".jpg\">" ); </S‎CRIP‎T>
- Gisele Bundchen - (from my town)

<img src=''>