This is PerlMonks "Mobile"

Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks
Come for the quick hacks, stay for the epiphanies.

Current Perl documentation can be found at

Here is our local, out-dated (pre-5.6) version:

Try the Net::FTP, TCP::Client, and Net::Telnet modules (available from CPAN). will also help for emulating the telnet protocol, but Net::Telnet is quite probably easier to use..

If all you want to do is pretend to be telnet but don't need the initial telnet handshaking, then the standard dual-process approach will suffice:

    use IO::Socket;             # new in 5.004
    $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new('')
            || die "can't connect to port 80 on $!";
    if (fork()) {               # XXX: undef means failure
        print while <STDIN>;    # everything from stdin to socket
    } else {
        print while <$handle>;  # everything from socket to stdout
    close $handle;