use strict; use warnings; use Mail::IMAPClient; use Term::ReadKey; my $user = ''; my $server = ''; my $port = 993; my $ssl = 1; # generally ssl is used my $imap_folder = "INBOX"; my $sleep = 5; print "\n(use CTRL-C to permit logout)\n"; print "Enter the password for $user on $server\n"; my $password; ReadMode('noecho'); $password = ReadLine(0); chomp $password; ReadMode 'normal'; my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server => $server, User => $user, password => $password, Port => $port, Ssl=> $ssl, Uid=> 1, ) or die "IMAP Failure: $@"; print "Logged in succesfully\n" if $imap->IsConnected(); # Handle Ctrl-C $SIG{INT} = sub{ print "\n\nLogging out..\n"; $imap->logout(); exit; }; # do NOT mark as read when handling messages $imap->Peek(1); # look in INBOX $imap->select( $imap_folder ) or die "IMAP Select Error for imap folder [$imap_folder]: $@"; my $now = time; my %seen = map { $_ => 1} $imap->sentsince($now); while (1){ ################################################################################ # Handling a lost connection ################################################################################ if ( $imap->IsUnconnected ){ print "Lost connection to $server\n"; for (1..100){ sleep 1 for 1..5; print "Connection retry $_..\n"; # option 1 # enters in a loop connected / unconnected # $imap->connect(); # option 2 # also this enters in a loop $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server => $server, User => $user, password => $password, Port => $port, Ssl=> $ssl, Uid=> 1, ); next unless $imap; last if $imap->IsConnected(); } # give up.. die "Reconnection impossible!" if $imap->IsUnconnected(); # if here we succeded print "Succesfully reconnected!\n"; } # as the above solutions do not work.. next if $imap->IsUnconnected(); ################################################################################ my @msgs = $imap->sentsince($now); foreach my $msg (@msgs){ # without this line I get an undef $msg entry in %seen next unless defined $msg; next if $seen{$msg}; $seen{ $msg }++; print "New message: ", $imap->get_header( $msg, "Subject" ), " from: ", $imap->get_header( $msg, "From" ),"\n"; } sleep 1 for 1..$sleep; $now = time; }