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then this section is the place to ask.
However, you might consider asking in the chatterbox first (if you're a
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kind monks will be sure to direct you here.
I am working with some laboratory instruments that communicate either through bouilt-in HTTP server or low-level TCP. Both occasionally "freeze".
I create the socket thusly:
my $sock_Zona = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $par{addr_Zona},
PeerPort => $par{port_Zona},
Proto => "tcp",
Timeout => $par{conn_tmo}
Here timeout works - an attempt to connect to something that is not listening will fail after the timeout expires.
However, setting the read timeout like this:
unless (defined $sock_Zona) {
$sock_Zona = -1;
ABORT("Zona se ne javlja: $!");
} else {
seems to have no effect. If the instrument for some reason neglects to answer (as they are wont to do), I usually get an empty reply, but sometimes the read from the socket just hangs.
I would like to avoid running all reads in separate threads (there are lots of them), if at all possible. Any perl of wisdom greatly appreciated.
I use the following code with Gtk2 to download an image with LWP and then
display the image after converting from data in memory.
I can do it with Gtk3 by saving file to hard rdrive but I wish to do it from memory as I did with Gtk2.
Any ideas please?
my $pdata = $ua->get($ur_to_image);
my $pixbufloader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new;
my $raw_data = $pdata->decoded_content;
$pixbuf = $pixbufloader->get_pixbuf;
my $w = $pixbuf->get_width;
my $h = $pixbuf->get_height;
$w = int($w *1.2);
$h = int($h * 1.2);
my $scaled = $pixbuf->scale_simple($w, $h, 'GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR');
$im->set_from_pixbuf ($pixbuf);
Suppose I'm not targeting latest Perl versions and their 'trim' built-in, and reluctant to depend on other modules, -- then practically every FAQ or cookbook or tutorial recommend what's "usual" method in test below. Now, I have fair amount of medium-size "records" (variable length and containing white-space somewhere in the middle, NOT as in test below), which may terminate in unpredictable WS sequences, which I want to trim. Performance freak, I've been unsatisfied with the speed and came with "better" version. Then accidentally discovered "unpack" method. Now I'm puzzled if this nice and fast way is kept secret and why :-)
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014; # s///r
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';
my @a = map {
( 'a' x 123 ) .
( ' ' x rand 2 ) .
( "\n" x rand 2 )
} 0 .. 999;
cmpthese -1, {
usual => sub { my @ret = map { s/\s*$//r } @a; \@ret },
better => sub { my @ret = map { s/.*\S\K\s*$//sr } @a; \@ret },
unpack => sub { my @ret = map { unpack 'A*', $_ } @a; \@ret },
Rate usual better unpack
usual 159/s -- -88% -95%
better 1284/s 707% -- -56%
unpack 2899/s 1722% 126% --
Trying to work out why this isn't returning all the rows of data from the mock. Have I messed up the session instantiation?
use v5.36;
use DBI;
use DBD::Mock;
use Data::Dumper;
my $session = DBD::Mock::Session->new('testing' => (
statement => 'SELECT * FROM bar',
results => [
['one', 'two'],
['three', 'four']
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Mock:', '', '') or die $DBI::errstr;
$dbh->{mock_session} = $session;
my $data = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM bar");
say Dumper({ DATA => $data });
I have rakudostar 2024-06-01 version installed, now New version 2025-01-01 have released, How to upgrade, the install script 'rstar' did not have a upgrade option, do I have to wipe all and reinstall all, or it's better to use aur to get moarvm core isolated and easy to upgrade.
I am new to Perl and I have a question, perhaps is a little but silly but I have a txt doc with several lines where each line is a programming language and I want to print allthe lines except for Java, and I have this piece of code but it doesn't do anything, it stays at: "Reading file", I would appreciate any help or if you know of a link where I can further study the next-unless, Thanks.
open(FH, "/Users/anaordonez/Documents/my_languages.txt")or die "Sorry!
+! couldn't open";
print "Reading file \n";
# Reading the file till FH reaches EOF
# Printing one line at a time
next unless $_ = "Java";
print $_;
Why does bignum assign integer values to Math::BigInt objects ?
Why not assign them to a Math::BigFloat object, same as is done for non-integer values ?
By allowing 2 types of objects, bignum opens itself up to issues that (AFAICS) would not arise if all values were assigned to Math::BigFloat objects - eg upgrades/downgrades from one type to another.
And I can't see that allowing Math::BigInt objects leads to any benefits.
The problem is that status is undef if i warn Dumper($Response), and also in the headers of the response on the client side the status is 200
Only if I use
$Server->Transfer( "index.asp" ) instead of $Response->End();
only then I get the 403 status but then I get the following error in the logs.
error executing code for include /opt/apache/htdocs/..../index.asp: no
+ include
While writing a perl script, I wanted to flush a handle, and wrote
flush $gp;
like the C coder I am. The code worked. Then while cleaning up the syntax for consistency, I added parens, i.e. flush($gp), but this did not work. Turns out flush is not a function (it's not in perlfunc). So why did my first attempt work?
Update: I think, I got this figured out before anybody saw it. lol
I have a little exercise which might sound like homework, but I promise you it isn't! Lol And I almost got it to work, but I can't figure out how to make the last function do what it's supposed to. Update: *Got it!
So, I wanted to write four functions--one that doubles certain characters in a string and another sub that removes double characters from a string. I think I want to clarify that what I want is not this:
$S =~ tr| ||s;
I know, this would collapse multiple spaces to a single space, but that's not what I want to do. I want to do this: "AAAAAA" => "AAA" just replace each pair with a single character. OK. So, I already figured out how to do this.
But then I want to write another sub that repeats certain characters N number of times and finally a last one that finds N number of occurrences of certain characters in a string and replaces each group of characters with one character.
Find groups of 3 letter A's and replace them: "AAAAAA" => "AA"
I'm having trouble with this last sub. It just doesn't want to do what I want. Can someone please help me show me how to do this? It's called SingleCharsX()
use strict;
use warnings;
# This should print: "AABBC"
print "\n", DoubleChars("ABC", "AB");
# This should print: "LALA LLAALLAAN N"
print "\n", SingleChars("LALA LLLAAALLLLAAAAN NN", "LANG"), "\n\n";
# Okay. Now, make it more complicated...
foreach (2..7)
print "\n x $_ : |",
DoubleCharsX("ABCD", "ABXY", $_), "|";
print "\n\n";
foreach (2..7)
print "\n x $_ : |",
SingleCharsX("LLLLLLLL-AAAAAAAA", "ABX", $_), "|";
# This function doubles every instance of a list of characters in
# a string and returns a new string. For example, it can be used
# to double every instance of space or new line characters.
# DoubleChars("Helo World!", "!lo ") => "Helloo Woorlld!!"
# DoubleChars("Helo World!", "HHH") => "HHelo World!"
# Usage: STRING = DoubleChars(STRING, CHARS)
sub DoubleChars
defined $_[0] && length($_[0]) or return '';
defined $_[1] && length($_[1]) or return $_[0];
my $S = $_[0];
$S =~ s/([\Q$_[1]\E]{1})/$1$1/g;
return $S;
# This function removes certain characters that appear twice next
# to each and leaves only one instance. This can be used to undo
# the effects of the DoubleChars() function.
# SingleChars(" HEELLLLLLO OO!", "OL") => " HEELLLO O!"
# SingleChars("AABBCAABBC", "AB") => "ABC"
# Usage: STRING = DoubleChars(STRING, CHARS)
sub SingleChars
defined $_[0] && length($_[0]) or return '';
defined $_[1] && length($_[1]) or return $_[0];
my $S = $_[0];
$S =~ s/([\Q$_[1]\E]{1})\1/$1/g;
return $S;
# This function doubles or triples every instance of
# a list of characters in a string and returns a new string.
# For example, it can be used to repeat every instance of
# the exclamation point. The second argument tells what
# to repeat, and the third argument tells how many times
# to repeat those characters.
# DoubleCharsX("Hello World!", "!", 3) => "Hello World!!!"
# Usage: STRING = DoubleCharsX(STRING, CHARS, [REP])
sub DoubleCharsX
defined $_[0] && length($_[0]) or return '';
defined $_[1] && length($_[1]) or return $_[0];
my $REP = defined $_[2] ? int($_[2]) : 2;
$REP >= 2 or $REP = 2;
my $S = $_[0];
$S =~ s/([\Q$_[1]\E]{1})/$1 x $REP/ge;
return $S;
# This function doubles or triples every instance of
# a list of characters in a string and returns a new string.
# For example, it can be used to repeat every instance of
# the exclamation point. The second argument tells what
# to repeat, and the third argument tells how many times
# to repeat those characters.
# SingleCharsX("Pressss a keeeeyyy!", "ey", 3) => "Pressss a keey!"
# Usage: STRING = SingleCharsX(STRING, CHARS, [REP])
sub SingleCharsX
defined $_[0] && length($_[0]) or return '';
defined $_[1] && length($_[1]) or return $_[0];
my $REP = defined $_[2] ? int($_[2]) : 2;
$REP >= 2 or $REP = 2;
my $S = $_[0];
foreach my $CHAR (split(//, $_[1]))
$S =~ s/\Q$CHAR\E{$REP}/\Q$CHAR\E/g;
return $S;
Update: Also, I am not sure how one should call these subs. I mean DoubleCharsX is not a very creative name. Maybe RepChars() would be better? But then how would I call SingleCharsX() ? The other thing is I don't even know what kind of title to give this thread. I'm not very good at naming these things. :P
Update: I think, everything works fine, it's not that the program doesn't do what it's supposed to, but I was expecting a different output. And since the output didn't match what I imagined it should be, I thought it was an error. I thought it should print something like this:
x 2 : |AABBCD|
x 3 : |AAABBBCD|
x 7 : |LLLLLLLL-A|
x 2 : |AABBCD|
x 3 : |AAABBBCD|