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RFC: A module for SNMP polling of thousands of nodes simultaneously

by Hercynium (Hermit)
on Jan 15, 2008 at 18:42 UTC ( [id://662528]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

After some trial and error, as well as trying every alternative I could find, I've written a new SNMP module that allows for fast asynchronous polling of multiple objects across thousands of nodes.

My tests across 1000 nodes at my employer's network have so far been *very* successful! The usage example completes one round of polling of these nodes in under 30 seconds, with about 25% CPU utilization. If I increase the InFlight parameter to 50, it completes in under 20 seconds with 37% CPU!

At this time, the module is the bare-minimum necessary for my needs, but I believe it has the potential for much, much more. I won't go into the details here of why I've written my own but suffice to say that nothing had the right combination of features, stability, and speed that I needed.

The code makes heavy use of closures, and I'm fairly new to the concept. It depends on the net-snmp libraries, and the SNMP module that comes with them.

IMPORTANT -- in order for this to work, you must be using the SNMP module from net-snmp release version 5.3.2 or the latest version from CVS trunk. The release version 5.4.1 (as well as the versions from CPAN) has a bug in the XS code that leads to a core-dump when running too many asynchronous queries in parallel.

What I want now

I'm posting this to the monastery in hopes that the knowledge of the Monks can help me make further improvemens, and find and fix bugs and any sub-optimal design decisions. This includes:
  • Ideas for module name/name-space
  • Speed improvements
  • Feature additions
  • Bug fixes
  • Anything else you'd like to suggest
This is not YET in production, but it will be within a few weeks - or less. The code is attached below...

UPDATE: I've posted a new version of the code here. The code in this node should now be considered obsolete. The new code is slightly faster, more robust, and *much* more scalable. It also has new features.

The old code is still here, but is now hidden with spoiler tags.
Usage example:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Parse::CSV; use SNMP; use SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti; #--------------------------------------------------------- my $csv_file = shift || die "Please specify a CSV file with SNMP host +info!"; my @reqired_fields = qw(HOSTIP COMMUNITY SNMPVER SNMPPORT); my @hosts = read_hosts_csv($csv_file, @reqired_fields); # This object encapsulates the desired queries to run. my $query = SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti->new(); foreach my $host (@hosts) { my $sess = SNMP::Session->new( DestHost => $host->{HOSTIP}, Community => $host->{COMMUNITY}, Version => $host->{SNMPVER}, RemotePort => $host->{SNMPPORT}, #Timeout => $host->{SNMP_TIMEOUT}, #Retries => $host->{SNMP_RETRIES}, ); my @varbinds = qw( ifDescr ifInOctets ifOutOctets ifAlias ifType ifName ifInErrors ifOutErrors ifSpeed ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus ); my $varlist = SNMP::VarList->new( map { [$_] } @varbinds ); $query->add({ Session => $sess, VarBinds => $varlist, QueryType => 'getbulk', # See POD for explanation... MaxRepeaters => 20, # Additional options depend on NonRepeaters => 0, # the QueryType... }); } $query->shuffle(); # Randomize order of queries...(not yet implemente +d) # Run all the added queries with up to X # asynchronous operations in-flight at any time. foreach my $iter (1..10) { sleep 30 unless $iter == 1; my $results = $query->execute({ InFlight => 30 }); print Dumper $results; } exit; #--------------------------------------------------------- # Read in the CSV file. sub read_hosts_csv { my $file = shift; my @required_fields = @_; # Parse entries from a CSV file into hashes hash my $csv_parser = Parse::CSV->new( file => $file, fields => 'auto', # Use the first line as column headers, # which become the hash keys. ); my @node_cfg; # Return a reference to this my $line_num = 0; while ( my $line = $csv_parser->fetch() ) { $line_num++; my $error_flag = 0; foreach my $field (@required_fields) { if ( ! exists $line->{$field} ) { $error_flag = 1; carp "Missing field [$field] on line [$line_num] in CS +V file [$file]"; } } croak "Terminating due to errors on line [$line_num] in CSV fi +le [$file]" if $error_flag; push @node_cfg, $line; } if ( $csv_parser->errstr() ) { croak "Fatal error parsing [$file]: " . $csv_parser->errstr(); } return @node_cfg; } 1; __END__
Sample CSV file for nodes:
The module:
#!/usr/bin/perl package SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use SNMP; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{query_stack} = []; $self->{results} = []; $self->{max_in_flight} = 10; $self->{current_in_flight} = 0; $self->{total_query_count} = 0; return $self; } sub add { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; my $query_stack = $self->{query_stack}; my $sess = $params->{Session} || croak "Session parameter +must be specified"; my $varbinds = $params->{VarBinds} || croak "VarBinds parameter + must be specified"; my $query_type = $params->{QueryType} || 'getbulk'; if ($query_type eq 'getbulk') { my $non_repeaters = $params->{NonRepeaters} || 0; my $max_repeaters = $params->{MaxRepeaters} || 10; my $query = $self->_make_getbulk_query($sess, $varbinds, $non_ +repeaters, $max_repeaters); push @$query_stack, $query; } else { croak "Attempt to add using unknown query type: $query_type\n" +; } return 1; } sub _make_getbulk_query { my $self = shift; my ($sess,$varbinds,$non_repeaters,$max_repeaters) = @_; return sub { my $callback = sub { my $bulkwalk_results = shift; push @{$self->{results}}, "Query Complete", $bulkwalk_resu +lts; $self->{current_in_flight}--; warn "Finished Query\n"; if (scalar @{$self->{query_stack}}) { my $next_query = pop @{$self->{query_stack}}; return $next_query->(); } return SNMP::finish() if $self->{current_in_flight} <= 0; }; $self->{current_in_flight}++; $self->{total_query_count}++; warn "Started query $self->{total_query_count}\n"; return $sess->bulkwalk($non_repeaters, $max_repeaters, $varbin +ds, [$callback]); }; } sub shuffle {} # TODO implement shuffle with List::Util or something sub execute { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; @{$self->{results}} = (); $self->{current_in_flight} = 0; my $max_in_flight = $params->{InFlight} || $self->{max_in_flig +ht}; my $query_stack_ref = $self->{query_stack}; my @query_stack_copy = @{$self->{query_stack}}; while (scalar @$query_stack_ref) { my $query = pop @$query_stack_ref; $query->(); last if $self->{current_in_flight} >= $max_in_flight; } SNMP::MainLoop(); #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper $self->{query_stack}, \@query_stack +_copy; exit; $self->{query_stack} = \@query_stack_copy; return \@{$self->{results}}; } 1; __END__
I welcome any and all comments and criticism!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: RFC: A module for SNMP polling of thousands of nodes simultaneously
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 16, 2008 at 16:32 UTC
    Hercynium here, posting as anonymous since the XP should go to the good Mr. g0n for this...

    He pointed out to me in the CB a CPAN dist. known as SNMP::Effective, which serves the same purpose as my code - and looks to me substantially more mature. I'm going to try it out in the next few days and report back what I think

    I stated above that I had tried every alternative, but I was wrong. I realize now that I skipped SNMP::Effective in my search because I thought I had already looked at it and dismissed it as not being the right tool - and I was right... for a different project.

    For the current project, I almost wish I hadn't missed it... *almost*, because I *did* learn a whole bunch about closures and callbacks and the internals of the SNMP module in my efforts!
      My current usage of SNMP::Effective may not be as optimal as it could. I'm going to try again with some better-tuned code, but here's what I've got so far...

      (please note - I haven't verified if the SNMP query results are correct - it's rather late and I'm bushed, so I'm making a big assumption that they are...)

      The average run-time for the same 1000 nodes is 125 - 130 seconds, at about 25% CPU, using 50 simultaneous sessions.

      It's certainly not an order of magnitude of difference, however, on a smaller set of nodes, like 100, both SNMP::Effective and my own code are neck-in-neck at about 7 seconds. This leads me to hypothesize that my code *may* scale better as-it-is, but that theory will require more testing and information. Also, as I (or other hackers) find bugs, add features, etc... the scaling factors may change enough that SNMP::Session will truly be the faster of the two.

      Right now, I still maintain that SNMP::Effective is substantially more mature, robust, and well-tested than what I've written... but it currently seems that *I* am faster :)
UPDATED CODE: More features, faster, and more scalable
by Hercynium (Hermit) on Jan 25, 2008 at 20:31 UTC
    I've re-worked some things to make the module handle ridiculously large numbers of hosts, and somehow, I got a small speed-boost out of that change. Also, I've added some features like having user-specified (pre|post-)query callbacks and a 'master' timeout, just like SNMP::Effective. Still, this module is about 4x as fast in a 1000 node test.

    I *did* just run a test across 6900+ nodes using my module in it's current state. I got some interesting results. First off, the program ran out of memory when passing the results back after the execute() call (or maybe during the Dumper call). However, even after that - the program completed in 3 minutes and 59 seconds!

    Without further ado, here's the module code:
    #!/usr/bin/perl package SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti; # Pragmas use strict; use warnings; # Standard use Carp; # Cpan use SNMP; # This comes in handy so we don't pass bogus # parameters to SNMP::Session->new() our @valid_sess_params = qw( DestHost Community Version RemotePort Timeout Retries RetryNoSuch SecName SecLevel SecEngineId ContextEngineId Context AuthProto AuthPass PrivProto PrivPass AuthMasterKey PrivMasterKey AuthLocalizedKey PrivLocalizedKey VarFormats TypeFormats UseLongNames UseSprintValue UseEnums UseNumeric BestGuess NonIncreasing ); #---------------------------------------------------------- # Constructor sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{query_stack} = []; $self->{results} = []; $self->{max_in_flight} = 10; $self->{current_in_flight} = 0; $self->{total_this_run} = 0; $self->{grand_total} = 0; return $self; } # Verifies that the named parameter is a subref sub _check_param_callback { my $self = shift; my $param_name = shift; # string, hash key my $params = shift; # hashref return 1 unless exists $params->{$param_name}; croak "Bad parameter for [$param_name] - not a CODE ref" if ref $params->{$param_name} ne 'CODE'; return 1; } # TODO Fill in the code and use in the add() or _add_getbulk_query() m +ethods # Verifies that the named parameter is something the SNMP # module can use as a VarBind or VarBindList. sub _check_param_varbinds { my $self = shift; my $param_name = shift; # string, hash key my $params = shift; # hashref } sub add { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; my $query_stack = $self->{query_stack}; # These are required for all query ops so make sure they're presen +t. my $varbinds = $params->{VarBinds} || croak "Bad or missing parameter [VarBinds]"; my $query_type = $params->{QueryType} || croak "Bad or missing parameter [QueryType]"; # Make sure our callback params are valid. $self->_check_param_callback( 'PreCallback', $params ); $self->_check_param_callback( 'PostCallback', $params ); if ( $query_type eq 'getbulk' ) { my $query = $self->_make_getbulk_query($params); my $query_stack = $self->{query_stack}; push @$query_stack, $query; } else { croak "Attempt to add using unknown query type: $query_type\n" +; } return 1; } sub _make_getbulk_query { my $self = shift; my ($query_info) = @_; # These params are required for a getbulk query op. my $non_repeaters = exists $query_info->{NonRepeaters} ? $query_info->{NonRepeaters} : croak "Bad or missing parameter [NonRepeaters]"; my $max_repeaters = exists $query_info->{MaxRepeaters} ? $query_info->{MaxRepeaters} : croak "Bad or missing parameter [MaxRepeaters]"; # Currently, these are validated in the add() method, so no need h +ere. my $preop_callback = $query_info->{PreCallback}; my $postop_callback = $query_info->{PostCallback}; # TODO I may want to add a method to validate # and/or transform the VarBinds parameter my $varbinds = $query_info->{VarBinds}; # Parse out the parameters for creating the session. # I really think I should be validating them better here... # Maybe I need a separate subroutine... # TODO write the routine described above. my %sess_params; $sess_params{$_} = $query_info->{$_} for grep { exists $query_info->{$_} } @valid_sess_params; return sub { my $callback = sub { my $bulkwalk_results = shift; # Store the results and info about the query for later... push @{ $self->{results} }, $query_info, $bulkwalk_results +; $postop_callback->() if $postop_callback; $self->{current_in_flight}--; if ( scalar @{ $self->{query_stack} } ) { my $next_query = pop @{ $self->{query_stack} }; return $next_query->(); } $self->{current_in_flight} <= 0 ? return SNMP::finish() : +return 1; }; my $sess = SNMP::Session->new(%sess_params); $preop_callback->() if $preop_callback; $self->{current_in_flight}++; $self->{total_this_run}++; $self->{grand_total}++; return $sess->bulkwalk( $non_repeaters, $max_repeaters, $varbi +nds, [$callback] ); }; } sub current_in_flight { shift->{current_in_flight} } sub total_this_run { shift->{total_this_run} } sub grand_total { shift->{grand_total} } sub shuffle { } sub execute { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; # The KeepLast option can come in handy if, for example, another # thread or process is working on the contents of the results # array from a previous execution and may not finish before the # next execution. @{ $self->{results} } = () unless ( # I'll make my OWN idioms from now on, HAHA! (You can explicit +ly # set keeplast or it will use the object's default) defined $params->{KeepLast} ? $params->{KeepLast} : $self->{Ke +epLast} ); # Determine our maximum concurrency level for this run my $max_in_flight = $params->{InFlight} || $self->{max_in_flight}; # Make a copy of the stack in case we want to run the same query my $query_stack_ref = $self->{query_stack}; my @query_stack_copy = @{ $self->{query_stack} }; # Set some counters $self->{current_in_flight} = 0; $self->{total_this_run} = 0; # Begin issuing operations while ( scalar @$query_stack_ref ) { my $query = pop @$query_stack_ref; $query->(); last if $self->{current_in_flight} >= $max_in_flight; } # Wait for the ops to complete, or time-out (if specified) $params->{MasterTimeout} ? SNMP::MainLoop( $params->{MasterTimeout}, &SNMP::finish() ) : SNMP::MainLoop(); # Reset the stack for the next run. $self->{query_stack} = \@query_stack_copy; return $self->get_results(); } # Returns a reference to a copy of the results of the last query exec +ution sub get_results { return \@{ shift->{results} }; } 1; __END__

    And here's the test program's code:
    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Parse::CSV; use SNMP; use SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti; #--------------------------------------------------------- my $csv_file = shift || die "Please specify a CSV file with SNMP host +info!"; my $max_inflight = shift || 50; my $num_cycles = shift || 1; my $master_timeout = 0; # Set to number of seconds before # all queries are terminated. # 0 means no master timeout. my $batch_size = 50; # Run a callback whenever this many # results have been returned my @varbinds = qw( ifDescr ifInOctets ifOutOctets ifAlias ifType ifName ifInErrors ifOutErrors ifSpeed ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus ); my @reqired_fields = qw(HOSTIP COMMUNITY SNMPVER SNMPPORT); my @hosts = read_hosts_csv( $csv_file, @reqired_fields ); @hosts = clean_hosts_data( \@hosts ); # This object encapsulates the desired queries to run. my $query = SNMP::Query::AsynchMulti->new(); # This probably isn't necessary, but it's the Right Thing To Do. my $varlist = SNMP::VarList->new( map { [$_] } @varbinds ); my $preop_callback = sub { warn "+ IF/CT/GT: " . $query->current_in_flight() . "/" . $query->total_this_run() . "/" . $query->grand_total() . "\n"; }; my $postop_callback = sub { warn "- IF/CT/GT: " . $query->current_in_flight() . "/" . $query->total_this_run() . "/" . $query->grand_total() . "\n"; }; foreach my $host (@hosts) { $query->add( { # Params concerning the SNMP Session DestHost => $host->{HOSTIP}, Community => $host->{COMMUNITY}, Version => $host->{SNMPVER}, RemotePort => $host->{SNMPPORT}, #Timeout => $host->{SNMP_TIMEOUT}, #Retries => $host->{SNMP_RETRIES}, # Params concerning the type of query operation QueryType => 'getbulk', # See POD for explanation... MaxRepeaters => 20, # Additional options depend +on NonRepeaters => 0, # the QueryType... # The varbinds to be operated on VarBinds => $varlist, # Callbacks before and after this query op. PreCallback => $preop_callback, # Do this before the +op PostCallback => $postop_callback, # Do this after the o +p } ); warn "Added query to: $host->{HOSTIP}\n"; } warn "Shuffling queries (not yet implemented)\n"; $query->shuffle(); # Randomize order of queries...(not yet implemen +ted) # Run all the added queries with up to $max_inflight # asynchronous operations in-flight at any time. # Lather, rinse, repeat for $num_cycles. warn "Beginning polling cycle\n"; #use DDS; #warn Dump $query; exit; foreach my $iter ( 1 .. $num_cycles ) { sleep 30 unless $iter == 1; my $results = $query->execute( { InFlight => $max_inflight, MasterTimeout => $master_timeout, # TODO Implement the batching functionality BatchSize => 50, # Number of results that makes up a 'b +atch' BatchCallback => sub { 1 } , # Sub to call when a batch is done (or all results ar +e in) } ); print Dumper $results; } exit; #--------------------------------------------------------- # Read in the CSV file. sub read_hosts_csv { my $file = shift; my @required_fields = @_; # Parse entries from a CSV file into hashes hash my $csv_parser = Parse::CSV->new( file => $file, fields => 'auto', # Use the first line as column headers, # which become the hash keys. ); my @node_cfg; # Return a reference to this my $line_num = 0; while ( my $line = $csv_parser->fetch() ) { $line_num++; my $error_flag = 0; foreach my $field (@required_fields) { if ( !exists $line->{$field} ) { $error_flag = 1; carp "Missing field [$field] on line [$line_num] in CSV file [$file]"; } } croak "Terminating due to errors on line [$line_num] in CSV file [ +$file]" if $error_flag; push @node_cfg, $line; } if ( $csv_parser->errstr() ) { croak "Fatal error parsing [$file]: " . $csv_parser->errstr(); } return @node_cfg; } sub clean_hosts_data { my $hosts_data = shift; my @clean_hosts; foreach my $host (@$hosts_data) { # Maybe put in a loop to scrub leading and trailing # whitespace from each field? Yeah, I know. map in # void context is the devil's work, yadda, yadda. map { s/^\s*|\s*$//g } values %$host; if ( $host->{SNMPVER} == 2 #=~ /^1|2c?|3$/ && $host->{SNMPPORT} =~ /^\d+$/ && $host->{HOSTIP} =~ /^(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/ # Flawed, but Good Enough. && $host->{COMMUNITY} ) { push @clean_hosts, $host; } else { warn "Invalid host data - skipping:\n" . " " . Dumper($host) . "\n"; } } return @clean_hosts; } 1; __END__

    And finally, the example dummy node info CSV file

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