Although YAPC::Europe::2011 preparations are well underway in Riga, it is time for the venue committee of the YAPC::Europe Foundation (YEF) to think about the location of the 2012 conference. YAPC::Europe wouldn't exist without dedicated teams of volunteers, and we are always excited to see the enthusiasm and learn about the new ideas the community has to offer.

Further information about preparing a complete application can be found on the YAPC::Europe Foundation website. Proposals submitted to the venue committee will be added to this public repository (you may provide private information separately) to benefit future organizers.

The deadlines which apply to this portion of the procedure are:

Please send your questions, letters of intent, and proposals to

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Call for Venue for YAPC::Europe::2012
by moritz (Cardinal) on Mar 04, 2011 at 15:17 UTC