in reply to Module for working with IP Addresses and Ranges

Not sure on how you're judging suckage, but Net::Netmask includes the helper function range2cidrlist that will turn an arbitrary range into an equivalent array of CIDRs (actually, Net::Netmask objects):-

my $is_in_range = grep $_->match($ip_x), range2cidrlist($ip_range_start, $ip_range_end);

(match is a Net::Netmask method.)


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Re^2: Module for working with IP Addresses and Ranges
by ait (Hermit) on Oct 22, 2010 at 21:47 UTC
    Thanks for tip on CIDR.
    Not sure on how you're judging suckage, but...

    Interesting you highlighted that part of my post. I know that criticism is not very popular, so shoot me me. Maybe it's just me but it's my impression that the "IP" related modules need some revision/cleanup, at least when compared to other similar parts of the CPAN (example: HTTP:x modules). Again, it may very well be an incorrect perception but in these IP modules I noticed: namespace scattering/pollution on all the "IP", "NetAddr", "Net", etc... is really confusing. Several modules seemed to do the same thing, a lot of wheel re-invention IMO, some are poorly or carelessly documented, and several other things.