Category: Fun Stuff, maybe graphics?
Author/Contact Info Dave McKee, aka. The Cow and dmckee,
Description: Creates a PNG image with runes: hopefully going to make it a lot easier to use. Essentially, change the $text line, and it'll create runeout.png, a picture with the runed font. Requires PNG file from (blame geocities for not supporting PNG, M3U...)
#!perl -w
# RuneWright v0.00a
# Copyleft Dave McKee, March 2001.
# RuneWright (name subject to change: there are so many good
# (bad?) puns I could use) is a program which writes English
# Runes (as used in JRR Tolkien's 'The Hobbit' and 'Lord of the
# Rings') to a PNG image, based on a font-set in another.

use strict;            # bondage?
use GD;                # available at all outlets of CPAN
open (FONTIMG,"runes.png") or die "Font not found: $!\n";
my $font=newFromPng GD::Image(\*FONTIMG) or die "Unloadable Font.\n";
close FONTIMG;
(my $fontwidth,my $fontheight)=$font->getBounds();

my (@char1,@char2);
my $charcounter=(ord 'a'); # start with a.
for (0..$fontwidth-1)
  if ($font->getPixel($_,$fontheight-1)) 
    $char2[$charcounter]=$_-1;   # set right barrier of current
    if ($charcounter==ord 'z')   # once you've done Z... 
      $charcounter=ord ('0')-1;  # go to just before 0...
    $char1[$charcounter+1]=$_+1; # set left barrier of next
    $charcounter++;              # move on

my $text="if you can fill the unforgiving minute\nwith sixty seconds w
+orth of distance run\nyours is the earth and everything thats in it\n
+and:which is more:youll be a man my son";

#### CONVERT TEXT ####

for my $pos (reverse(0..length($text)-1))

  my $two="XXX";
  if ($pos<length($text)-1) {$two=substr($text, $pos, 2)};
  my $one=substr($text, $pos, 1);
  my $counter=0;
  foreach ('ea','ee','eo','ng','st','th') 
    if ($two eq $_) {substr($text, $pos, 2, "$counter")};
  if ($one eq " ") {substr($text, $pos, 1, "7")};
  if ($one eq ":") {substr($text, $pos, 1, "6")};

my $newheight=$fontheight;
my $newwidth=0;
my $currwidth=0;
for my $pos (0..length($text)-1)
  if (substr($text,$pos,1) eq "\n")
    if ($currwidth>$newwidth) {$newwidth=$currwidth};
    my $num=ord (substr($text,$pos,1));
if ($currwidth>$newwidth) {$newwidth=$currwidth};

#### PRINT TO PNG ####

my $output=new GD::Image($newwidth,$newheight);
my $black=$output->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
$output->fill(50,50,$black);   # make things neater...
my $xpos=0;
my $ypos=0;
for my $textpos (0..length($text)-1)
  if (substr($text,$textpos,1) eq "\n")
    my $num=ord (substr($text,$textpos,1));
open PNGOUT, ">runeout.png";
binmode PNGOUT;
print PNGOUT $output->png;
close PNGOUT;
print "all done?";
