in reply to Golf/Perlish solution to this problem?

I had a working solution by the time the second one was posted, but I've been sitting here watching the thread and pasting all the solutions into the test framework I made. Here's what I came up with:

sub kyle { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ( map( $_ % 2 ? ( $array[ -$_ ], $array[ $_ - 1 ] ) : ( $array[ $_ - 1 ], $array[ -$_ ] ), 1 .. @array / 2 ), ( $array[ @array / 2 ] ) x !!( @array % 2 ) ); return "@other_array"; }

Note that the silly x!! business after the map is there to handle an odd number of elements that I didn't know would never be an input. The formatting is by perltidy because mine was ugly.

Anyway, here's the test framework and all the code posted so far in one steaming package:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; my @solutions = ( 'Cody_Pendant', \&Cody_Pendant, 'kyle', \&kyle, 'GrandFather1', \&GrandFather1, 'GrandFather2', \&GrandFather2, 'rjray', \&rjray, 'lidden', \&lidden, 'jwkrahn', \&jwkrahn, 'hipowls', \&hipowls, 'ikegami1', \&ikegami1, 'ikegami2', \&ikegami2, 'tye', \&tye, 'BrowserUk', \&BrowserUk, ); my @tests = ( [ 1 .. 8 ], [ 1 .. 16 ], ); plan 'tests' => scalar @tests * scalar @solutions; # Cody_Pendant's results are the definition of 'correct' my @correct = map { Cody_Pendant( @$_ ) } @tests; # this loop does the actual testing. while ( @solutions ) { my ( $name, $s ) = ( shift @solutions, shift @solutions ); foreach my $n ( 0 .. $#tests ) { my $test = $tests[$n]; my $test_name = sprintf '%s( %d .. %d )', $name, $test->[0], $test->[-1] +; my $lives = lives_ok( sub { $s->( @{$test} ) }, "$test_name executes and survives" ); SKIP: { skip "$test_name died", 1 if ! $lives; is( $s->( @{$test} ), $correct[$n], "$test_name" ); } } } ### solutions follow ### sub kyle { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ( map( $_ % 2 ? ( $array[ -$_ ], $array[ $_ - 1 ] ) : ( $array[ $_ - 1 ], $array[ -$_ ] ), 1 .. @array / 2 ), ( $array[ @array / 2 ] ) x !!( @array % 2 ) ); return "@other_array"; } sub Cody_Pendant { my @array = @_; my @other_array = (); while (@array) { if ( $array[0] % 2 ) { push( @other_array, pop(@array), shift(@array) ); } else { push( @other_array, shift(@array), pop(@array) ); } } return "@other_array"; } sub rjray { my @array = @_; my @other = (); while ((@array % 4) == 0) { push(@other, $array[$#array], @array[0, 1], $array[$#array - 1 +]); splice(@array, 0, 2); splice(@array, -2); } return "@other"; } sub GrandFather1 { my @array = @_; my @other; while (@array) { push @other, @array[-1, 0, 1, -2]; splice @array, 0, 2; splice @array, -2, 2; } return "@other"; } sub GrandFather2 { my @array = @_; my @other; push @other, @array[-$_ * 2 - 1, $_ * 2, $_ * 2 + 1, -$_ * 2 -2] for 0 .. $#array / 4; return "@other"; } sub lidden { my @array = @_; my @other_array; @other_array = pop @array; while (@array > 3) { push @other_array, splice @array, 0, 2; push @other_array, reverse splice @array, -2; } push @other_array, splice @array, 0, 2 if @array > 1; push @other_array, shift @array if @array; return "@other_array"; } sub jwkrahn { my @array = @_; my @other_array; for ( 0 .. @array / 2 ) { my ( $lower, $upper ) = ( shift @array, pop @array ); push @other_array, $lower % 2 ? ( $upper, $lower ) : ( $lower, + $upper ); } return "@other_array"; } sub hipowls { my @array = @_; # I don't think I understood hipowls's solution my $n = @array; my @other_array = map { $n + 1 - $_, $_ } 1 .. $n / 2; return "@other_array"; } sub ikegami_a { @_<2 ? @_ : ((pop),(shift),&ikegami_b) } sub ikegami_b { @_<2 ? @_ : ((shift),(pop),&ikegami_a) } sub ikegami1 { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ikegami_a(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub ikegami2a { @_ ? (@_[-1,0,1,-2],ikegami2a(@_[3..$#_-3])) : () } sub ikegami2 { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ikegami2a(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub tye { my @array = @_; my $hi = $array[-1]; my $lo = 1; my @other_array = map $_ & 2 ? $lo++ : $hi--, 1..$hi; return "@other_array"; } sub BrowserUk { my @array = @_; my @other_array = sub{map{pop,shift,shift,pop}1..@_/4}->(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub example { my @array = @_; my @other_array; return "@other_array"; }

I found testing these almost as interesting as the problem itself, so I'm going to blab a bit now about the testing.

Update: Added the solution from BrowserUk.