in reply to Re: No. files in folder
in thread No. files in folder

Well it's not quite fine, on some OS there is a chance that one could find oneself attempting to delete the current directory and it's parent ('.' and '..'). I would suggest something like:

opendir my $d, $dir; + my @f = sort { -M $b <=> -M $a } map { "$dir/$_" } grep !/^\.{1,2}$/,readdir $d; + unlink @f[-0,1] if @f > 20;
The only problem using the conditional like that on the unlink line is that it makes it more difficult to test whether the unlink succeeded - I would expand it to a full if block.


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Re^3: No. files in folder
by blazar (Canon) on Jun 23, 2005 at 10:38 UTC
    Indeed, this is IMHO another good reason to use glob instead. I thought it is never supposed to return qw/. ../, or are there osen where it does?!? I mean glob '*' of course. One can trim it to {his,her} own needs anyway. And if really need be, than the cure would be (fundamentally) the same.

      No, glob can return . and .. and nothing in the documentation seems to promise otherwise (I searched glob, perlop, and File::Glob). However, glob("*") will not return any dot-files, including the directories, because it works similarly to shell wildcards. Here's an example of where it does, though:

      $ perl -le'$,=" ";print glob(".*")' . .. .bash_history .bash_profile # and so on