Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info I am just summing up what might be read at
Description: After doing all the manual installation of the full .dll codes that let you use the application as a standalone one. And installing PerlMagick as the README file states, you should do some extra work that is not explained anywhere.

Shame because it is a great application, but I was fed up of having trouble with some Perl scripts not detecting the modules...

No code, just do the following:

* Copy Image-Magick.ppd and all the x86/ directory into c:\ (it is the only way of finding it-don't ask why) (see for any doubts)

* copy all the CORE*.dll files into c:\perl\bin

* copy all the IM*.dll files (from the Modules directory) into C:\imagemagick ! (even if you have the application working in another place)

* Add in apache httpd.conf the following line...