in reply to CleanPath

I've made some improvements to this code. The old version is included here inside CODE tags inside of an HTML comment READMORE tags, so you can use "download code" if you want to see the old version.

                - tye
@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off if "%OS%" == "" goto Win95 perl -x -S "%0" %* if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH. goto endofperl :Win95 perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl @rem '; #!/usr/bin/perl -w #line 13 use strict; exit main(); sub CleanPath (\@;\%) { my( $aPath, $hUser )= @_; my( $path, $dir ); my @GoodPath= (); my %GoodPath= (); DIR: while( @$aPath ) { $path= shift(@$aPath); print STDERR qq< "$path"- >; $dir= $path; while( $dir =~ /%([^\s=]+)%/ ) { my $repl= $ENV{$1}; if( ! defined( $repl ) ) { warn "%$1% not set in environment -- dropping.\n"; next DIR; } $dir =~ s//$repl/; } $dir =~ s#([^:/\\])[/\\]$#$1#; print STDERR qq<is "$dir"; > if $dir ne $path; $path =~ s#([^:/\\])[/\\]$#$1#; if( ! -d $dir ) { warn "does not exist -- dropping.\n"; } elsif( $dir !~ /^([a-z]:|\\\\)/i ) { warn "isn't absolute -- dropping.\n"; } elsif( $GoodPath{uc $dir} ) { warn "is a repeat -- dropping.\n"; } elsif( defined($hUser) && $hUser->{uc $dir} ) { warn "is user-specific -- dropping.\n"; } else { if( $path =~ /^\Q$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\E/io ) { $path =~ s/^\Q$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\E/%SystemRoot%/; print STDERR qq<changed to "$path">; } warn "is good -- keeping!\n"; push( @GoodPath, $path ); $GoodPath{uc $path}= $path; } } @$aPath= @GoodPath; } sub main { my $Reg; use Win32::TieRegistry ( TiedRef => \$Reg, ArrayValues => 1, Delimiter => "/", ":REG_" ); my $UserEnv= $Reg->{"CUser/Environment/"} or die "Can't open Registry key, CUser/Environment/: $^E\n"; my $SysEnv= $Reg->{"LMachine/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/" . "Session Manager/Environment/"} or die "Can't open Registry key, Session Manager/Environment: $ +^E\n"; my $UserPath= $UserEnv->{"/PATH"} || [ "", REG_EXPAND_SZ() ]; my $SysPath= $SysEnv->{"/PATH"} or die "Can't read system PATH from Registry: $^E\n"; my @SysPath= split( /;/, $SysPath->[0], -1 ); my @UserPath= split( /;/, $UserPath->[0], -1 ); my $dir; foreach $dir ( @ARGV ) { if( $dir !~ m#^[a-z]:[/\\]#i ) { die qq<Usage: $0 ["x:\\dir_to_add" [...]]\n>, "Cleans invalid and repeated directories from the system +\n", "and user-specific PATH environment settings.\n", "Prepends any listed directories to the system PATH.\n"; } elsif( ! -d $dir ) { die "No such directory ($dir): $!\n"; } else { warn "Prepending directory ($dir) to system path.\n"; unshift( @SysPath, $dir ); } } my $UserName= $ENV{USERNAME} || "user"; if( open( TEMP, ">> $ENV{TEMP}\\" ) ) { print TEMP "Old system PATH=$SysPath\n"; print TEMP "Old $UserName PATH=$UserPath\n"; close TEMP; } else { warn "Can't write to $ENV{TEMP}\\ $!\n"; warn "Old system PATH=$SysPath\n"; warn "Old $UserName PATH=$UserPath\n"; } warn "Cleaning user-specific PATH:\n"; CleanPath( @UserPath ); my %UserPath= map {uc $_, $_} @UserPath; warn "Cleaning system PATH:\n"; CleanPath( @SysPath, %UserPath ); if( $SysPath->[0] eq join( ";", @SysPath ) && $SysPath->[1] != REG_SZ() ) { warn "System PATH required no changes.\n"; } else { if( $SysPath->[1] == REG_SZ() ) { warn "System PATH changed from REG_SZ to REG_EXPAND_SZ.\n" +; $SysPath->[1]= REG_EXPAND_SZ() } $SysPath->[0]= join( ";", @SysPath ); $SysEnv->{"/PATH"}= $SysPath or die "Can't set system PATH in Registry: $^E\n"; warn "System PATH successfully updated.\n"; } if( $UserPath->[0] eq join( ";", @UserPath ) ) { warn "User-specific PATH required no changes.\n"; } elsif( @UserPath ) { $UserPath->[0]= join( ";", @UserPath ); $UserEnv->{"/PATH"}= $UserPath or die "Can't set user-specific PATH in Registry: $^E\n"; warn "User-specific PATH successfully updated.\n"; } elsif( "" ne $UserPath->[0] ) { if( ! delete $UserEnv->{"/PATH"} ) { warn "Can't delete (now-useless) $UserName-specific PATH " +, "from Registry: $^E\n"; } else { warn "Now-empty $UserName-specific PATH successfully delet +ed.\n"; } } return 0; } __END__ :endofperl