in reply to Perl on Oracle

Here is a sample script I had sitting in my temp directory -- maybe it will help a bit. (Just make sure to enter "real" values for the constants ORAUSER, ORAPASS, and ORATNS.)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #-- Use modules use DBD::Oracle; use DBI; #-- Define local constants use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => 0; use constant ORAUSER => 'my_ora_user'; use constant ORAPASS => 'secret_password'; use constant ORATNS => 'ora_db_tns_name'; #-- Define local variables my $gDBHandle; my $gSQLCmd; my $gSQLHandle; my @gFields; #-- Initialize local variables $gSQLCmd = 'SELECT column_name, ' . ' nullable, ' . ' data_type, ' . ' data_length ' . ' FROM dba_tab_columns ' . ' WHERE owner = ? ' . ' AND table_name = ? ' . ' ORDER BY column_id '; #-- Connect to the database $gDBHandle = DBI->connect ( 'dbi:Oracle:' . ORATNS, ORAUSER, ORAPASS, { AutoCommit => FALSE, PrintError => FALSE, RaiseError => FALSE, } ) || die 'Could not connect to Oracle ['.$DBI::errstr.' - '.$DBI::er +r.']'; #-- Get the data $gSQLHandle = $gDBHandle->prepare($gSQLCmd) || die 'Error with SQL statement ['.$DBI::errstr.' - '.$DBI::err.']' +; $gSQLHandle->execute('SYS','DBA_TABLES') || die 'Error with SQL statement ['.$DBI::errstr.' - '.$DBI::err.']' +; while (@gFields = $gSQLHandle->fetchrow_array) { print $gFields[0],"\t",$gFields[1],"\t",$gFields[2],"\t",$gFields[3] +,"\n"; } #-- Close the database connection $gDBHandle->disconnect(); #-- Exit exit; #-- End of Example