I make no apologies for came to me while I was...ermmm...meditating in the Monastery bathroom :)
open (HANDLE,$door); flock (HANDLE,LOCK_EX); push; push; push; pop; my $handle = new IO::File "lavatory", "w"; $handle->flush(); flock (HANDLE,LOCK_UN); exit;
/me suddenly wonders if this crops up regularily, as it were....
update Darn - I forgot to close the door again...oh well, Larry'll close it for me:)

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Potty humour...
by YuckFoo (Abbot) on Mar 20, 2003 at 17:31 UTC
      Ouch! :)
Re: Potty humour...
by outcast (Monk) on Apr 17, 2003 at 07:21 UTC
    forget the soap what about this?
    my $tp = new IO::File "Sharmen", "w"; $tp->wipe(); if($bathroom) { SWITCH: { $bathroom eq "dark" && do { &lights('on');}; $bathroom eq "stinky" && do { &fan('on');}; $bathroom eq "leaving" && do { &lights('off');}; DEFAULT: { &lights('off') && &fan('off'); }; }
    Why does that Angry Kid cartoon with the stinky finger come to mind.